What is Skyphone? It will introduce the first ‘satphone’ which will have an affordable price. smart fone

It will have a design like Skyphone. Photo: Thuraya | It will have a design like Skyphone. Photo: Thuraya

During the Mobile World Congress (MWC 2024), important brands including Samsung, Xiaomi, Honor, Motorola, Huawei among others launched their latest generation smartphones which have the best technical specifications in the market. However, this technology fair held in Barcelona (Spain) not only focused on mobile phones but also showcased other devices like tablets, laptops, robots, AI, etc.

What is the Skyphone that they presented at MWC 2024?

The technology event also introduced a cell phone different from traditional cell phones, which is promised to be discussed in 2024. skyphoneA cell phone developed by Thuraya, a company based in the United Arab Emirates. According to brand representatives, this mobile device is a ‘universal smartphone’ or ‘satphone’. What does this name mean?

According to the universe, skyphone This phone shown by Thuraya has got the nickname ‘Satphone’ because it offers “cellular and satellite connectivity” at an affordable price to the masses. At the moment, it is unknown what the price of this phone will be and whether it will be available worldwide or only sold in Asia, as is usually the case with some devices.

What are the functions of satphone?

Currently, satphones (satellite phones) are devices designed so that you can communicate in areas where there is no coverage or it is very limited. These devices work by connecting to satellites in orbit and allow you to make calls, send and receive text messages, among other features. They are generally used for emergency work, exploration and military operations.

The ‘Satphone’ developed by Thuraya, which will hit the market in the third quarter of 2024, will allow you to make calls and send messages via satellite; But it will not be an expensive or cumbersome phone like a traditional satellite cell phone. Its developers indicate that it can be used in 150 countries, due to the fact that they are reaching agreements with more than 370 operators.

“Users do not want to switch from satellite phones to normal phones. “They want to use their everyday phones to access social media, even when they go on adventures to areas not covered by mobile networks,” said Sulaiman Al Ali, CEO of Thuraya “. You may not know this, but this company’s satellites cover the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

This could set an example

Currently, phones that work via satellite are more expensive than traditional phones and some companies are including this feature in their devices. For example, Huawei has this service on its Huawei Mate 60 Pro; But it is available only for Chinese region. However, if it is well received, it will likely encourage other manufacturers to include it.

“For now, we continue to talk about premium services for emergencies. In the long run, low Earth orbit satellites will become so widespread that it could become an alternative to traditional telecommunications networks, especially in some areas without coverage or in places where, economically, it is less viable. ,” Thomas said. Hasan. , Forrester analyst, via the above.

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