What is the best time to have sex? One such study says

A 2017 study showed that couples prefer to have sex between 10:30 and 11:30 at night. Although people choose a night-time schedule, a study from the United Kingdom indicates that the best time to be intimate is 7:30 in the morning.

for time

According to the results, sex is better when energy levels are higher. This happens in the early hours of the day. “Physically, your sex hormones are highest in the morning,” said sex and relationship therapist Jody Sly of Sensate Therapy for an article in The Times.

“Men have higher levels of testosterone and women have higher levels of estrogen, and both play essential roles in sexual function,” he said.

Moreover, according to the expert, people feel more relaxed and present in the moment in the morning. At this time, they have not yet faced the stress of routine and daily obligations. Therefore, they can enjoy sexual activity more.

Nurse George Angel’s video on this topic went viral on TikTok. Content creator dedicated to sharing medical information and data to the general public. “At 7:30 a.m. you have more energy and as endorphins are released, you can face the day with less stress,” she said.

The video has been viewed more than 710 thousand times and has received more than 18.7 thousand likes. However, the comments do not agree with that morning’s program.

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