What is the true meaning of ‘N’ in Android notification bar and what is it for? – teach me about science

For all those Android usersSurely at some point you have seen a letter ‹‹N›› in the notification bar. For some it is irrelevant, but for others, it is a symbol that seems aesthetically unnecessary. Don’t worry anymore, here we will teach you how to delete that letter forever.

Technology has taken amazing directions in recent years, as its evolution has brought with it new tools that make people’s lives much simpler and sometimes more fun.

Among all the technological advances that we have seen in the last few years, we find smart phones or smartphones, these devices of portable size, capable of being used even with one hand, with which we get access to different applications such as Internet access. Is. , camera, calls, messages and many other tools.

These smartphones have had amazing evolution in the same way, and depending on the brand and operating system they use, they will have different configurations and tools.

This is how we arrive at one of the most famous and used operating systems worldwide, of course, we are talking about Android. According to the information received from the Android platform itself, it is an operating system with more than 200 million active devices.

Android is one of those operating systems that gets us the smartest devices in the market with easy-to-use applications and tools. However, from time to time, this operating system contains applications that are unknown to the user, which creates some inconvenient situations for the user.

This is the case of the famous letter ‹‹N›› that usually appears in the notification bar of cell phones that use Android. But why does this letter come? How can i get rid of this?

Image Credit: El Español

When this letter ‹‹N›› appears in the notification bar, it means that you have NFC technology activated, which stands for ‹‹Near Field Communication››, a feature that most smartphones today have. But, on Android it is visible through the ‹‹N›› icon in the application notification bar, according to information from Motorola Mobility.

Likewise, they tell us that NFC is a device that is used to create a field around a device with which to have the possibility of enabling connection and communication with other devices that are close to the first device. It is commonly used for file sharing.

On Android, this tool usually has an option to activate and deactivate it, and this way you can remove ‹‹N›› from the notification bar. Follow the following instructions to make the ‹‹N›› icon disappear from your screen:

1. Unlock your mobile device and enter ‹‹Control Center››.

2. Look for the ‹‹Settings›› option and click on it.

3. Now, enter the ‹‹Connected Devices›› section.

4. After that go to ‹‹Connection Priority›› option.

5. Inside you will find the ‹‹NFC›› option, you just have to deactivate it to make the ‹‹N›› icon disappear from your notification bar, and that’s it.

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