When practicing medicine, is it normal to feel like a void?

When you step into a hospital for the first time as a medical student in practice, two completely different things can happen: The student in question feels included and supported. hospital service Or, on the contrary, he finds himself with a hostile environment This makes him not included in the team and even makes him ‘feel like a plant’. There are people who, during successive years of their careers and rotation in different areas, Live with both scenarios Personal and professional impact What does each of them mean?

is the case of Nerea Calatoide, fourth year medicine student and content creator on social networks. His worst memory is from last year, the first year when he had to take an internship in a hospital as a student. Not dealing with or seeing patients during that time day-to-day clinical practice, remembers facing the first days “with fear and ignorance” before a completely new experience. “That fear also included comments and gestures of contempt Indifference on the part of some professionals“, he remembers, something that negatively marked both his own experience and the experience of his colleagues. “It took us feeling inadequateHe We were not accepted for this profession And even we didn’t have enough knowledge to do that.

problems in medical practices

Personally, Calatayud believes that these sensations were the result of several factors coming together: “In my case, that feeling was due to a The sum of my fears and insecurities, and feeling in a certain sense Ignored Through which at that moment he had to teach me or at least integrate me,” he says. For example, he remembers situations that he later discussed with others physician assistant In services in which they have been trained subsequently and which “they do not understand”, e.g. Disinterest of some health workers That he did not even ask for the names of the internship students or greet them when entering counselling. She also recalls that in some situations she could not even be a spectator and received “looks of contempt and superiority”.

Calatayud says MIRs are the ones who care most about internship students, because “they can empathize more with the situation” they have recently experienced. Although Medical Student He also emphasizes that he has noticed these behaviors They understand neither profession nor age: “I have been able to receive these gestures from both a resident, a doctor, and another health professional.”

All these dynamics have negatively affected it training as a doctor Of Calatayud in many aspects. First on a personal level, during the months of internship Insecurities and complications has adapted to her way of viewing herself and her job: “I began to feel inadequate, less intelligent than other coworkers, even a burden or hindrance to some professionals“, he explains. He also believes it has had an impact on his career aspirations, because of the way the experience has made him feel in certain services.Disinterest in certain specialties and subjects“If they had gotten better care, they probably wouldn’t have experienced this,” he says.

“I have begun to feel inadequate, less intelligent than other coworkers, even a burden or hindrance to some professionals”

Subsequently, he did more medical internships, which he assures gave him better experiences. In your opinion, the difference is health professionals themselves With whom one stays on every occasion. “It very much depends on the individual, because always There are doctors who integrate you, they care that you feel comfortable and learn.“, she assures. In fact, she herself has observed that for this very reason, the experience “can also vary greatly from one day to the next” depending on the employee with whom you rotate, she concludes.

What should change in medical practices?

In relation to the university, this student informed her faculty about the disagreements she experienced during this training phase in a form that she was required to complete upon completion, which has a section for complaints and suggestions. “This is a great initiative Let students comment on these situations.And I personally When I felt it I was able to notice itTherefore, he emphasizes that the necessary changes in medical practices must come not from the system, but from the health services themselves.

In particular, when it comes to integrating students and showing them everything they need to know: “We don’t ask that they let us do tests, we don’t ask that they let us do work, Or undergo counseling. We are ready to receive minimal attentionWho makes us realize what we really are, another partner“, he defends.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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