Who was Diana Carnero, murdered Naranjal councillor. Community | Guayaquil

This Wednesday night, February 7, the murder of Diana Carnero Elizalde, councilor of Naranjal, has shocked the population of that canton of Guayas.

Carneiro, 29, died at Naranja basic hospital after being shot in the Corona 2 neighborhood, near the area’s ecological park.

She reached the post of councilor in the Naranjal Parishad promoted by Citizen Revolution in May 2023. This represented his first political involvement.

Carnero was a civil engineer and had also been teaching since the age of 17. At that time, with the inspiration of a friend, he started giving private classes.

“I took a sheet of photographs and wrote ‘Private classes are offered’ and I put (the paper) in my mother’s ice cream shop,” he said in an interview with a digital medium in 2023.

In this way, she said her first client appeared, the former Queen of Naranja, María José Jaramillo. “Their parents trusted me and everything from then on was my recommendation,” he said of his passion for providing education.

At first, he taught classes in Physics and Mathematics subjects, but with time he created an Academic Leveling Centre. Till now, he continues to give private classes and hire more teachers to teach subjects in his enterprise under his charge, which also provides preparation for entrance examinations for higher education and other academic level services.

In 2023, in parallel, she was pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Administration at a private institution of higher education in Samborondon, Guayas.

With this training, in the future she revealed that she planned to perform better in her position as a councilor, especially in monitoring functions in the municipality, and also complete the requirements to become a university professor. Of, which is one of his biggest dreams. Additionally, in her plans, she hoped to pursue another master’s degree focused on her career.

“I believe that you never stop learning and moreover, I wish that the day comes when God fulfills my dream of opening that door in some university, so that I can teach the children, the professionals who are training there In order to inspire, which I always do, I wanted the teachers I put in front of me to be people who could tell anecdotes but above all could transmit knowledge based on their own experience, because they are the ones who really train professionals. It does,” the councilor said.

He believed that changes were necessary in the national education system, such as promoting more English and entrepreneurship education for future generations.

When Carneiro received his credentials as city councilor last May, he thanked the people of Naranjal and stressed that it was his responsibility to serve them with integrity, commitment and fidelity to their values.

“May God always bless me with the support of all of you, and may all the social projects I desire come true in your name,” he said on the social network.

Tonight, after the violent incident against Carnero, the municipality and political figures expressed their disappointment at the tragic departure of the young councillor.

Juan Carlos Rivera, Mayor of Naranjal, highlighted Carnero as an exemplary woman in politics, a defender of gender equality and one with outstanding passion, courage and commitment to the common good.

“Her tireless work and commitment to the cause of women was an inspiring example for all of us. Adhikari commented, “She always stressed the importance of women’s work in society, advocating equal opportunities and fundamental rights for all.” (yo)

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