Why do they always wear the same clothes?

Each innovated the world of technology and remains a reference in the modern era. (Photo: Infobay Archive)

For the creators of Microsoft and Facebook, respectively, the way they dress is linked to their success in the tech world.

In the broad spectrum of personal strategies and habits adopted by influential public figures in the field of technology, patterns in clothing choice emerge as a curious, but important aspect of analysis.

by infobay

figures like Mark ZuckerbergFounder of Facebook, Steve Jobs, The Apple co-founder has opted for a minimalist and consistent approach to his clothing, and opts to wear almost the same outfit on a daily basis.

This choice, which may seem trivial or merely aesthetic at first glance, It involves deep reasons backed by science and analysis.

Why do Zuckerberg and Jobs always wear the same clothes?

The logic behind the decision to limit variety in clothing lies in the concept “Decision Fatigue”Social psychologist Roy F. A phenomenon identified and described by Baumeister.

(Files) In this file photo taken April 21, 2010, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivers the opening keynote address at the F8 developer conference in San Francisco, California. – As Facebook approaches its 15th anniversary, the social network has taken steps toward Mark Zuckerberg’s goal of connecting the world. But it has also made some big mistakes that have turned some of its friends into enemies. The online social network founded in Zuckerberg’s Harvard University dorm on February 4, 2004, is now in adolescence and the burden is on adults to be held accountable for their behavior and how to play in a world where people can be bad. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images North America/AFP)

Based on the theories of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, this term describes Constantly making decisions, no matter how small, can lead to cumulative mental exhaustion throughout the day.

So, choose one uniform clothes Eliminates everyday decisions, Freeing up energy and attention to focus on more important tasks and decisions of greater importance.

This method can be compared to energy saving in electronic devices, where seemingly small activities can have a significant impact on the overall performance of the device.

Apple’s co-founders were an example of this case

There is a symbolic reference to this practice Steve JobsCo-founder of Apple, who was widely popular Recognized for its black sweater and jeans combination, The story of his search for a uniform wardrobe for Apple employees, which ended with Jobs adopting a personal uniform designed by Issey Miyake, is revealing.

Miyake, in gratitude, provided Jobs with enough sweaters and jeans to ensure clothing for a lifetime. This style of dress not only became Jobs’s hallmark, But also appeared in countless product presentations and interviews until its final appearance at WWDC 2011.

While it could be argued that the decision to dress similarly also plays a role in self-image strategy, the science provides a solid foundation supporting the benefits of reducing the number of daily decisions.

By adopting a simple approach towards clothing, Figures like Zuckerberg and Jobs not only made their daily routine easier but also created strong and iconic public imagesManaging to be instantly recognizable, without pretending to have many things related to luxury or eccentricities.

This decision fatigue reduction strategy goes beyond the locker room and has been applied to other aspects of daily life, providing a framework for improving time management and mental energy in a variety of areas.

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