Why enter medicine? EBAU students explain it

Medicine It requires call, effort and sacrifice from the first moment or even earlier. Accessing this university degree is not an easy task, as the cut-off marks required to obtain it depends on perfection in both. level As in EBAU. However, those who tirelessly pursue this dream reach university in many cases without knowing the issues related to it National Health System (SNS) And the medical profession such as 24 hour guards, MIR examination or the range of medical specialties available to them.

Most high school students who wish to study this university degree have a desire to “help others”. this is how it works Christina Casadosophomore high school student Institute of Secondary Education (IES) Las Musas, Madrid, There are also people who sparked their businesses from personal experiences like my classmate and Kendravalentina arguello, He says, “In 2019, my grandfather died of lung cancer and it was a huge blow. I believed I could help other people who were going through the same situation as me, or less were on the other side.”

High school students talk about MIR and guard

When asked about Specialized Health Training (FSE) And especially in the MIR exam, the majority of high school students admit that they have been informed through social networks such as TikTok. Elena Lozano, Still in his first year of graduation at the same centre, he knows that it is a “very difficult” test to choose a specialty, although he believes that the ‘reward’ is to “work” there, not in any Reaching training location with completion date. termination.

Natalia Pescador, Lozano’s colleague, goes a step further and assures that she has heard about preparations, academies or testing periods and the reception that follows. Alba Rangel, student of the same class, joins him Some specialties are given more importance Compared to others, therefore, they are more difficult to reach.

Elena Lozano and Claudia Ceno examining replicas of the human body at IES Las Museas (Madrid).

The biggest surprise for all these students has been the conduct of 24 hour medical guardone of the great unknowns outside health sector. Lozano admits that he had never heard it before, and predicts that they will involve “a long look.” After learning its actual mechanism, this student was surprised to recognize that it was something “very difficult”. his partner claudia sino Yes, he knew, broadly speaking, what the workings of these days were, and he cites business as the driving force for facing them. For his part, Casado believes it is “a bit exaggerated early doctor“, and it “jeopardizes their sleep hours and their ability to care for patients.”

Alba Rangel, Celia Sanchez and Natalia Pescador with a simulator from their institute.

As EBAU is approaching, many of them have considered what would happen if they could not achieve the required grades for medicine. Celia SanchezA first-year graduate student considers two options: entering medicine through vocational training or studying other careers such as veterinary doctor or a Dual degree in Psychology and Criminology. Arguello has taken this notion to heart, and has also devised a “Plan B” that includes studying nursing or, like Sanchez, obtaining medical training through a higher degree.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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