Woman survives after being stabbed 10 times in San Cristobal


On the morning of Saturday, February 3, a 62-year-old woman was the victim of a brutal attack by her partner in her home in La Castra, San Cristóbal municipality, in the state of Táchira. The attacker stabbed her 10 times with a knife on different parts of her body including her chest, buttocks and stomach. After committing the act of violence, the attacker injured himself with the same weapon and died at the crime scene shortly afterwards.


The victim was taken to Central Hospital by firefighters, with serious injuries requiring immediate medical attention. The woman is in critical health and is under medical observation at the hospital, where doctors are working to stabilize her and treat her injuries.

This incident leaves a deep emotional impact on the community and especially on the family and friends of the victim and the attacker. According to the testimony of neighbors, the couple had been living together for several years and had no known history of domestic violence between them. However, authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to clarify the circumstances surrounding the incident and determine whether there were any triggering or aggravating factors.

With information from L’Clarin

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