Women’s health, prioritizing their well-being at every stage

women’s Health This is a priority throughout your life and to prevent any long-term disease, it is important that you follow it medical examination To continuously stay healthy and detect any health problem in time.

According to Inegi data, some diseases He worst hit But women in mexico are: cardiovascular diseases, Depressionmigraine, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis.

Here is a guide to the main tests a woman should undergo depending on her age.

Medical tests as per age and profile of women

20 years,

Gynecological examination: It is recommended to have an annual gynecological checkup which includes: pelvic exam and pap test To detect any abnormality of the cervix or signs of sexually transmitted infection (STI).

STI screening: It is important to get tested for STIs, especially if you are sexually active and/or have multiple sexual partners. These tests may include tests of HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis.

Breast self-examination: Breast self-examination should be performed monthly to detect possible lump or change in the breast Which may indicate the presence of breast cancer or other breast conditions.

Medical tests as per age and profile of women

30 years:

Mammography: Starting at age 30, it is necessary to have a mammogram every one or two years to evaluate risk. Breast Cancer, Recommendations may vary depending on family history and other risk factors.

Thyroid Exam: Thyroid function testing may be considered, especially if you experience symptoms such as fatigue, weight changes or skin problems And hair.

diabetes: Screening for diabetes, such as fasting glucose test or hemoglobin A1c test, especially if there is a family history of risk factors such as diabetes or obesity.

Additionally, other tests are also recommended at this stage Assessment of blood pressure, cholesterol and weight.

Medical tests as per age and profile of women

40 years:

Colonoscopy: From the age of 45, it is recommended to undergo colonoscopy for early detection Colorectal Polyps And colon cancer.

Osteoporosis: It is recommended to execute bone densitometry To evaluate bone mineral density and detect osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women.

vision test: Seeing an ophthalmologist helps detect age-related vision problems, such as Presbyopia and glaucoma.

Similarly, consistent testing of blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, Weighing, Pap smear etc. should be given priority from this stage.

Medical tests as per age and profile of women

50 years:

Cancer Screening Test: study to find out ovarian cancer, colon cancer And at this age others should be given priority.

blood pressure: Regular blood pressure measurements are recommended to detect high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

Cholesterol and Triglyceride Test: Laboratory tests must be done to measure the levels of Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol (“good” cholesterol), low density fat cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides, to evaluate cardiovascular risk.

Mammogram, Pap Smear, DiabetesIt is also considered important in the medical examinations that women have to undergo.

Medical tests as per age and profile of women

60 years:

cognitive appraisal: A cognitive assessment may be performed to rule out possible symptoms. Cognitive impairment or dementia.

Identification of eye diseases: In addition to routine eye exams, additional tests may be performed to detect age-related eye diseases, such as: Cataracts and macular degeneration.

Osteoporosis: Bone densitometry is recommended to evaluate bone mineral density and detect osteoporosis, especially in post-menopausal women.

Like the tests and studies mentioned above pap smear, colonoscopy, diabetes, Blood pressure should also be monitored for women 60 years of age or older.

Medical tests as per age and profile of women

How to take care of your health and avoid diseases?

Here are some top tips for living a healthy lifestyle and preventing health problems:

  • balanced diet: Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains in your daily diet.
  • Regular physical activity: Get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling.
  • Adequate Hydration: Drink enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and functioning properly.
  • Comfortable Sleep: Make sure you get seven to eight hours of sleep every night to allow your body and mind to recover.
  • stress management: Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga and deep breathing to keep stress under control.
  • Avoid tobacco and excess alcohol: Tobacco and alcohol can have negative effects on health, so it is advised to avoid their consumption.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Proper weight is important for general health and prevention of chronic diseases.

Read here; What foods can’t you eat if you have high cholesterol?


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