“You don’t know me,” Maria Corina Machado responded after telling Lula da Silva to “stop crying.”

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado speaks during a news conference in front of her party headquarters in Caracas on January 29, 2023. – Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, who has been disqualified from running in this year’s elections, promised on Monday that President Nicolas Maduro would not get the chance to choose his opponent in the race. (Photo by Federico Parra/AFP)

Brazilian President and friend of Nicolás Maduro, Inácio Lula da Silva, told the media that Maria Corina Machado, “continues to cry rather than nominate another candidate,” receiving a strong response from the unitary candidate.


“I am crying, President Lula? Are you saying this because I’m a woman? “You don’t know me,” Machado said through his account on the social network X.

He elaborated in his response to the President, “I am fighting to assert the right of the millions of Venezuelans who voted for me in the primaries and the millions of others to have the right to do so in free presidential elections, including “I will defeat Maduro.” Talked about the next elections.

“You are validating the abuses of a dictator who violates the Constitution and the Barbados Agreement you claim to support. The only truth is that Maduro is afraid to face me because he knows that the Venezuelan people are with me in the streets today,” he concluded.

(TagstoTranslate)Luis Inácio Lula da Silva(T)Marueda Corina Machado

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