Your place for Energy+, sports and wellness

Pilates, gymnastics and Pilates for seniors, body tonic, core-abdominals, personal training, Sevillana and Flamenco are some of the specialties of Energy+, an activity center located in the San Juan/Iturrama area of ​​Pamplona that celebrates this year its tenth anniversary. Promoting the health, sports and wellness of its customers for ten years.
Directed by Marlon Urdaneta Rodríguez, it has professionals with extensive experience in body care and maintenance, which is why since its inception it has offered activities related to Muscle toning, dance and mind-body control, “During these ten years we have offered a wide range of activities and gradually we are abandoning some and specializing in others, such as Pilates, Body Tonic, gymnastics for seniors, Energy+ Core, stretching, sevillanas and flamenco,” explains. Urdaneta. “We always want to stand for doing things well and be everyone’s first and last name Don’t treat them like just another number As may be the case in other low-cost locations,” he added. That is why your clients can also rely on Energy + for personal training, personalized and aimed at achieving their goals of a healthy, fit and healthy body.

The center of approximately 180 square meters also specializes in the Pilates method, taught by Marlon himself, who has been offering this activity for more than 20 years. Are Small and personalized groupsCategorized into initiation levels, 1,2 and advanced.

Currently he has signed a contract with Ruben Asian for the formation of groups that, in addition to learning, carry out therapy by dancing flamenco and sevillana. From the center he says, “Our vision and our mission is to provide everything we can to everyone who decides to sign up for Energy+ to achieve and achieve a body full of health and wellness.”

Information on your website

On its website: you can find a calendar with the schedule of all its activities as well as all the information about the centre.

(TagstoTranslate)Energy+(T)Sports(T)Pilates(T)Aim(T)Body Tonic(T)Core-Abdominals(T)Sevillanas(T)Flamenco

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