Chavismo calls for a march in Caracas at the same place where teachers will gather this #15January

Workers raised slogans during a protest in Caracas (Venezuela) today demanding increase in wages and pensions. This Tuesday hundreds of public workers in Caracas and much of Venezuela protested against “starvation wages” and demanded “decent” incomes that allow them to meet their basic needs, as well as against “workplace harassment”. Also protested against. ” EFE/Rayner Pena R.

Nahum FernandezThe Head of the Government of Caracas called on all regions of the country to gather in Plaza Park Carabobo this Monday, January 15, and march to the National Assembly on the occasion of the presentation of reports and accounts. Nicolas Maduro,


At the same place, from 9:00 am onwards, teachers’ unions will gather, who had earlier called at that place to demonstrate their labor demands.

Last Friday, the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers (FVM) called for a national protest next Monday, when thousands of teachers are expected to demonstrate across the country to demand the Chavista regime raise salaries and comply with benefits agreed in collective contracts. are supposed to.

President of FVM, carmen marquezSaid in a press conference that on January 15, when Teachers’ Day is celebrated in Venezuela, those who dedicate themselves to this profession have no reason to celebrate and, on the contrary, many take to the streets to protest. There are reasons.

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