Avoid these expenses that destroy your monthly finances

Avoid these expenses that destroy your monthly finances

Nowadays, it is very important for people to learn about proper money management, because in this way they can economic stability. You should understand that expenses are a fundamental part and you should pay careful attention to this area. In this sense, it is necessary to identify the various Types of expenses that existBecause this … Read more

Chavismo calls for a march in Caracas at the same place where teachers will gather this #15January

Chavismo calls for a march in Caracas at the same place where teachers will gather this #15January

Workers raised slogans during a protest in Caracas (Venezuela) today demanding increase in wages and pensions. This Tuesday hundreds of public workers in Caracas and much of Venezuela protested against “starvation wages” and demanded “decent” incomes that allow them to meet their basic needs, as well as against “workplace harassment”. Also protested against. ” EFE/Rayner … Read more

On this #9January, teachers protest in many states of the country regarding labor demands (picture)

On this #9January, teachers protest in many states of the country regarding labor demands (picture)

This #9January, teachers protest in many states of the country regarding labor demands. Photo: @leoperiodista Education professionals began protests in several states across the country this Tuesday, January 9, in their fight for work rights and labor demands. lapatilla.com In Mérida, Miranda, Táchira, Caracas, Monagas are some of the regions that united to demand a … Read more