Diet: Best and Worst for Weight Loss – Health

Diet conscious one of two eat carefullyIntermittent fasting ’16/8′, flexitarian diet, diet for the care of microbiota and avoiding ultra-processed foods are the most recommended by the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO). ranking ‘Top 5 of the best and worst diets for weight loss’, Since, in addition to contributing to a healthy lifestyle, they help you lose weight ranging from 1.5 kg per week to more than six kg a month.

The institute’s experts also list the worst diets that will continue to set trends.

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He ranking, Designed in 2023, it is endorsed by twenty experts in obesity and health care, including endocrine doctors and bariatric surgeons, clinical and sports nutritionists, dietitians, psychologists, therapists and physical trainers. It is based on real cases, scientific and market studies, news and trends collected in the media and social networks, as well as notable searches on Google.

from diet consciousThey say that it allows you to lose 2 to 4 kg per month. “We should think of this trend more as a lifestyle change rather than a strict diet, which is why we include it in our ranking as a recommended alternative,” says Imio dietitian Andrea Marques. This way of thinking about food requires mental balance, paying attention to our emotional state, being aware of what we’re eating. What effect will it have on our general health?

for its part, ’16/8′ intermittent fasting is a diet that can improve our lifestyle, Where we will have a first cycle of 16 hours in which no food is eaten and which includes night rest, this will be followed by an eight-hour ‘feeding window’ in which the calories we must eat must be distributed over the number of planned meals. The ideal is to have no less than three or more than five.

In this guideline, priority is given to the quality of the diet (fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, meat and dairy products), so if you want to lose between one and two kilos, you can try everything from fasting and Can’t eat in quantity. Week and that the metabolism optimizes the consumption of energy stored as fat. At all times it allows you to consume low-calorie fluids such as water, infusions, broths or coffee which helps reduce the feeling of hunger.

Flexitarian is a healthy and environmentally sustainable diet that promotes greater consumption of foods of plant origin, At the same time, foods of animal origin are being flexed by including them, albeit to a lesser extent.

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“Flexitarian diets do not lack the most common nutrients that may appear in classic vegan diets, particularly vitamin B12, omega 3 and the fatty acids eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic; Nor does it lead to low bioavailability of minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium, because by including eggs, dairy products and fish, all these nutrients are included, ”explains Imeo nutritionist Estefania Ramo.

The diet takes into account the care of the microbiota The intestinal microbiota plays a fundamental role in various metabolic, nutritional, physiological and immunological processes. Every person has a different microbial map, which is determined by factors such as lifestyle changes, stress, infections, exposure to different microorganisms in the environment, and diet.

“In this sense, a protective diet would be based on low consumption of processed meats and mainly vegetable proteins, as well as monounsaturated fats, vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. The use of prebiotics and probiotics can help us supplement our diet by improving bacteria balance,” says nutritionist Sonia Peñado.

A protective diet would be based on low consumption of processed meats and mainly vegetable proteins, as well as monounsaturated fats, vegetables, fruits and legumes.

For Diet without ultra-processed foods, “At the beginning, it should be noted that this is not a diet, but a healthy eating model that can be maintained indefinitely over time and which can help us lose 0.5 to one kilo of weight per day. Is.” week, if accompanied with related physical activity,” explains Imeo clinical nutritionist Carmen Escalada.

The main premise here is to eliminate ultra-processed foods from daily life, which contain other already processed products as ingredients and others, such as salt, sugar, trans fats and refined flour.

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worst diet

As far as the worst diets are concerned, experts reveal The worst case is the alternative to addiction: alcohol, tobacco or slimming pills.

But, not only is tobacco used as a food substitute, but the group of generalized chemical substances that can suppress our appetite also includes alcohol and some slimming pills or metabolism activators. With this type of diet, you can lose four kilos or more per month.

in the second place, The Sirtfood diet bases its benefits on the action of sirtuins. These are enzymes that reduce oxidative stress, slowing the aging process and helping in weight loss.

Its basic premise is to feed yourself foods that contain these substances or activate them, the main ones being apples, blueberries, capers, onions, kale, arugula, tofu, buckwheat, coffee, green tea, Dark chocolate, walnuts, parsley, turmeric. And virgin olive oil.

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“Although it is composed of healthy foods, this diet consists of three very low-calorie phases that lead to rapid weight loss of up to 3 kg per week,” says Carmen Escalada, clinical nutritionist at Imeo.

The apple diet “involves eating only this food for a long period of time, At least 2-3 weeks, in which you can lose between 4 and 6 kilos,” says Andrea Marques, dietitian at Imio.

is in fourth place Anti diabetic diet. It is a diet that uses injections indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, with weight loss as a side effect, as appetite disappears and satiety increases. It promises weight loss of 1 to 2 kg per week or 4 to 6 kg per month.

“Therefore, the use of these injections leads to a reduction in blood sugar levels (due to increased insulin levels and decreased glucagon levels), delayed gastric emptying and a greater feeling of satiety,” explains the nutritionist. Estefania Ramo.

Finally, close ranking Keto diet, which promises to lose 2 to 3 kg per week. It is an eating plan that drastically reduces carbohydrates, increases fat consumption and controls protein intake, which tries to induce a ketosis state in the body that is similar to that in a fasting state.

Europa Press

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