Go to sleep early or sleep 8 hours? What’s the best time to go to bed according to sleep experts?

is it any good go to bed quickly when we become extremely tired, What is more important, get the required hours of sleep or go to bed early, It improves sleep quality go to sleep around 9 pm, Some American newspapers have echoed this trend It seems to be spreading among young adults in the United States: going to bed early. Use a book and blanket instead of a late afternoon walk to prepare for sleep. Given the avalanche of information that supports this Benefits of good sleep In physical and mental health, many people are taking it seriously. we go to some The world’s best sleep experts to analyze whether early sleep fashion It’s good for everyone and has a real impact on our well-being.

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Is it more important to sleep early or sleep for 8 hours?

According to sleep psychologist Jade WuThe best time to go to bed depends on each person because We don’t all have the same timeline, Being a lark is not the same as being an owl. becoming an owl and forcing you to sleep early may be unfavorable Because you will be in bed but you will not be able to fall asleep and this can increase your anxiety and end up with insomnia “If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, Don’t go to bed until you feel sleepy, Don’t force yourself to sleep before your body is ready, just because you tell yourself “it’s time” or because your partner is already in bed. (…) Go to bed when you feel your eyes falling off (or you’ve read the same sentence from your book about 3 times without understanding). if you you fall asleep within minutesyou’re probably sleep deprived, In that case, try to rest earlier in the evening,” he explains. The essential thing is that the time you choose to go to bed allows you. sleep the required hours It depends on when you wake up the next morning.

Matthew Walkerone of the following World’s leading sleep expert, agree with this idea. In fact, he recommends: “If you find yourself lying in bed for more than 20 minutes, or if you start to feel worried in bed, get up and do something else Until you feel sleepy. Anxiety when trying to sleep can make it difficult to sleep.” However, Walker also points out that you need to find proper time to go to bed, Because because we need sleep the required hours and because Sleep quality also changes as the night progresses, author of Bestseller Why Do We Sleep It is said that what time you go to bed at night makes a big difference. Affects the structure and quality of your sleep, The reason is that the dream is created 90-minute cycle during which the brain transitions from deep, non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep to REM sleep, Experts explain that the 90-minute cycle is stable during the night but “the ratio of non-REM to REM sleep changes.”

Best time to go to bed according to experts

so Best advice from Matthew Walker is always: stick to a schedule, “we should try sleep and wake up at the same time every day, People usually have difficulty adjusting to changes in sleep patterns. unfortunately, Sleeping late on the weekend does not make up for the lack of sleep during the week., If necessary, set an alarm for bedtime. Matthews emphasizes that this is the number one priority on his list. age matters When setting bedtime. In general terms, the most recommended are:

  • Children School going children should sleep in the middle 8:00 and 9:00 pm,
  • teenagers They should try to go to bed occasionally 9:00 and 10:00 pm
  • adults They should try to sleep in between 10:00 and 11:00 pm,

Thus we can conclude that yes, that teenagers and young people who They go to bed around 9 and they do great. Because this is an ideal time to balance our sleep structure. Of course, don’t do it sporadically, the key is regularity.,

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