How to include 24 hour walking pattern or exercise in your daily routine. get informed

we remain constant multitasking, Adults, throughout the day, do a lot of activities, household chores, family organization, working life, hobbies (of infinite nature) and a long et cetera. In fact, all the activities carried out daily can be included in three concepts: physical activity (of greater or lesser quantity and intensity), sedentary behavior or sleep. These three concepts are called 24-hour movement patterns. According to this paradigm, throughout the day, while one pattern is being performed, the other cannot necessarily be executed; That is, you cannot sleep or remain motionless while performing physical activity; And, in the same way, it affects the interaction of the other two patterns. Within adulthood, these recommendations are divided into two large age groups, ages 18 to 64 and ages over 65.

For the first age group (18 to 64 years), the recommendations in terms of physical activity are moderate intensity aerobic physical activity for at least 150 to 300 min/week and vigorous for at least 75 to 150 min/week. Aerobic physical activity. , minutes. And also, conduct muscle strengthening sessions of moderate or vigorous intensity two or more days a week. Regarding sedentary behavior, it is advisable not to spend more than 8 hours a day and, within them, not more than 3 hours in front of a screen for entertainment. Whenever possible, try not to spend more than an hour at a time in sedentary behavior. And as far as sleep is concerned, the advice is to get between 7 and 9 hours of continuous and good quality sleep (sleep continuously, do not wake up constantly, feel rested). It would be interesting to adopt a routine between sleeping and waking up.

For the age group over 65 years, the recommendations are the same with some notes, such as in the case of physical activity: 3 days a week, including sessions prescribed by a sports science professional that contain relevant content. With balance and functional work. As far as sleep is concerned, this figure can be between 7 to 8 hours.

It is important to highlight that the 24-hour mobility guidelines are suitable for people of these ages regardless of gender, work or socio-economic status, and even cultural aspects. Of course, they may not be suitable for pregnant women, people with any pathology or chronic disease. In this case, it will be necessary to study the specific situation more thoroughly from a holistic point of view (coaches, doctors, physiotherapists, rehabilitators), who together analyze the case.

It is clear that compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines is associated with many health benefits, such as reduced risk of mortality, heart disease, various types of cancer or improved bone health.

Thus, each of the patterns that make up the 2-hour movement could have some recommendations as follows:

  • Physical Activity: Between not moving, move. This phrase is a continuous mantra. Every physical activity you do, no matter how light, adds up. Obviously, it is necessary to perform physical exercises with the prescription of a sports physical teacher (graduate in physical activity and sports science) for individual improvement of various abilities (strength, resistance, etc.) according to their individual characteristics. However, in addition to doing these specific training sessions, include climbing stairs, walking to work (or if you go by public transportation, getting off one or two previous stops), taking your pet for long walks, Including activities like taking your children. Going to school or taking a walk around your neighborhood are small daily routines that can be included in this section. Remember: it is impossible to stand still when it is moving.
  • Sedentary behaviour: We should try to reduce it. Apart from the small recommendations mentioned above, we know that in many cases working life involves sitting for many hours. Try to incorporate active brakes wherever possible. Next, outside of the work environment, try not to spend too much time sitting or lying down continuously. Include alarms that help you remember to be active for a few minutes every hour (even if you’re watching a series or movie).
  • Sleep: Rest is very important to keep the body healthy. If insomnia is really a problem or you do not sleep well for a long time, it is advisable to consult a specialist who will individually analyze the specific case. If not, some recommendations would be: always going to bed at the same time, reducing the use of light, exposing yourself to the light emitted by screens, avoiding social networks that increase our attention 30 to 60 minutes before going to bed. and always try to get up at the same time. Again, little tips that can contribute to healthy sleep habits.

In general terms, it highlights that replacing sedentary behavior with short bursts of light physical activity and switching from light physical activity to more moderate to vigorous physical activity, while maintaining adequate sleep, can improve 24-hour movement. There will be more compliance with the pattern. And hence, provide more health benefits.

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