“If I was number 1 in MIR, I would still choose Family Medicine”

Among the 30,064 candidates taking the Specialized Health Training (FSE) exam this Saturday, there are two types of people: those who took advantage of the last moment on Friday to review the material and those who chose to rest after months of intense study . And rest to approach the exam peacefully. “I’m crazy, very nervous, but I put everything I have into it. If it goes good, good, and if not, nothing happens,” says Tania Gutiérrez, a 34-year-old Canary Islander who is taking the Resident Internal Physician (MIR) exam and who did both this Friday. Mixed: He studied. Went out to watch cinema in the morning and afternoon.

This young woman explains to ABC that her case is not that of a typical applicant, as this is the second time she has prepared for the exam, although last time she had to leave it midway for personal reasons. She is a single mother of two girls and for several months she has taken care of the young children along with her studies. In the past few weeks, thanks to the support of his family, he has been able to dedicate himself exclusively to preparing for the exams. But she is clear that as soon as she gives the exam, she will go straight to celebrate with her daughters, parents and friends.

This Saturday is the largest offer of FSE places in history, with a total of 11,607 places up for grabs in MIR, EIR (Nursing), PIR (Psychology) or FIR (Pharmacy), among others. It is medicine itself that comprises the largest number of proposed posts at 8,772, of which 2,492 correspond to family and community medicine posts, which has been the most devalued specialty in recent years. So much so that in last year’s call in particular, with 2,455 places offered, 131 were left vacant. On the other hand, dermatology, plastic surgery and ophthalmology are the most prestigious and have the best grades.

But Tania Gutiérrez is clear about her vocation: «Even if she got number 1 from MIR, she will continue to choose Family Medicine. This is a war drug and we should take care of it. Despite not having the expertise yet, he has already been able to practice it, so he knows what workload he will have to face. “It’s very abandoned, with a big crisis, but I’ve been lucky enough to live it and see it for what it is, and I love it.”

This vocation is shared by Ander Santiago, 24, who will also be present this Saturday to obtain a position as a doctor. After a year and a half of preparation with a daily study routine of eleven and a half hours, this Friday, after doing a final review of the curriculum, he was already expecting to be able to pass the exams and return to the plans. He had previously created it with his family and friends.

Now the main thing, this candidate assures, is to pass the exam. And although he’s open to everything, he believes primary care is his thing: “When I was a kid I already dreamed of being a doctor and what I wanted was to be a family doctor. Was, not a surgeon,” he says. “I think it’s very beautiful. You are the patient’s confidant. “At the moment this is the specialty that is most attractive to me.”

like professional sports

Bernat Serraroles Mabras, 27, from Alicante, who is taking the exam this Saturday in Oviedo, where he went to prepare for the MIR, was less nervous this Friday. Apart from being a doctor, he has also been an athlete for many years, so he is used to facing important competitions. And this is also there. “I am quite confident and I think I have done things well. Today (Friday) my stomach is still full, but I am calm,” he told ABC during a study break. Because despite it being the last day, he tried not to change his routine and every Review to the last moment He assures that under his protection, the academy he has attended has helped him a lot, giving him the advice and inspiration he needed.

Like everyone else, Bernat’s focus is on doing the exam well, “on answering all the questions, although we know we will all stumble on some questions, as there will be questions we have no idea about.” ” What comes next, he says, remains to be seen, but he knows what he likes and what he will try to achieve: “I also really like plastic surgery and traumatology. If I don’t get it, I’ll probably repeat MIR, but I’ll think about it when it happens.” When he puts pen to paper, he’ll go to celebrate with his parents, who were there to accompany him on such an important day. Have gone on a trip to the Asturian capital. Then, a getaway to Tenerife is scheduled, “to disconnect, we deserve it.”

nursing place

And although the medical field is most prevalent, other professionals also desire a health training position this Saturday. Nuria Martin chose one of 2,108 nursing positions, giving a final review of the materials this Friday with one of her best friends, who presented herself and seemed “very cool,” despite the fact that Despite the fact that weeks earlier he had thought that I was going to be attacked the day before the exam. Since March he had been combining studies with work, but without neglecting his health. “My routine is to get up, study, and always reserve space for myself during the day and do leisure activities,” she says. This does not mean that stress has overwhelmed him in many moments: «Preparing for the EIR is a constant emotional roller coaster, there are also moments in which I have felt very calm, feeling that I have controlled the agenda. I have done it and can handle it perfectly, but there have been other moments when I felt like I don’t know anything and my nervousness and stress have made me nervous because I have not been able to perform well.

Despite having the largest offering of positions in history, professionals believe that failures occur when positions remain vacant. “The problem is not the increase in locations, but the attractiveness of the proposed locations,” says Alejandra García López, acting president of the MIR Spain association. He says that those who desert are always the same, usually family medicine, and above all related to the working conditions or the places where they are, often due to difficult coverage, among other reasons. with. He claims, “On the part of both the Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Communities, the system must be given a twist to make certain places attractive.” They also believe that real-time elections to the post – which disappeared due to the pandemic and have not been recovered despite their complaints – will help reduce the number of posts remaining vacant.

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