Norway warns implementation of Barbados agreement is “fundamental”

Jorge Rodriguez and Gerardo Blythe signed a deal in Barbados. photo courtesy

Through a statement issued this Saturday, the Kingdom of Norway stressed Need to implement the Barbados Agreement signed in October 2023 On electoral guarantees in Venezuela.

Emphasis in document Norway’s commitment to the negotiation process launched in Mexico City in August 2021,

According to the European country, it is necessary to implement what is established in the partial agreement signed in Barbados in view of the 2024 presidential elections.

,Norway reiterates its commitment to the dialogue and negotiation process in Venezuela, within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Mexico City on August 13, 2021.“The letter makes it clear.

Similarly, Norway He highlighted the importance of finding constructive solutions to outstanding issues and reaching a consensus that protects the well-being of the Venezuelan people.,

“It is essential that the Partial Agreement on the Promotion of Political Rights and Electoral Guarantees for All, signed in Bridgetown on October 17, 2023, be implemented, as well as everything agreed during the negotiation and negotiation process.”

With this, the state seeks to promote the implementation of mechanisms that ensure fair and transparent elections next year.

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