Regular exercise reduces insomnia symptoms

Regular exercise reduces insomnia symptoms

Research says that maintaining consistency in physical activity also helps you get the recommended amount of sleep of six to nine hours a day. “This may be an important factor in optimizing sleep duration and reducing insomnia symptoms,” concluded the research team, led by Irish psychologists Erla Bjornsdottir and Elin Helga Thorarinsdottir. In research conducted … Read more

Scientific research shows that “acquaintances” are as important to emotional well-being as friends and family.

Scientific research shows that “acquaintances” are as important to emotional well-being as friends and family.

in this news human life It is full of different types of relationships: LoveOf Work, Relativeand many others who weave densely interaction network What defines and shapes us. In this network, we usually highlight friends and family as the greatest exponents of support and affection. However, recently scientific investigation Challenging this view, “acquaintances“In a place … Read more

These are the happiest countries in Latin America

These are the happiest countries in Latin America

He international day of happinessis celebrated March 20is an anniversary promoted by the United Nations (UN) to “recognize” relevance of Happiness And this welfare as the universal aspirations of human beings and the importance of their inclusion in government policies.” annually, world happiness reportwhich provides an overview of welfare trends Different ages and generations of … Read more

Only one in 26 gets into dentistry

Only one in 26 gets into dentistry

Despite the number of interested parties, access to this career is not the most complicated. In this Top Is dentistry. Only one in 26 people entered their classes in 2023, The degree offers 50 places and, taking the latest data on CiUG applicants as reference, 1,302 people requested it (533 of whom chose it as … Read more

This is the best exercise to reduce belly fat in men and women

This is the best exercise to reduce belly fat in men and women

Waist circumference measures the health of men and women to some extent. Getting rid of those ugly love affairs is about more than looking good. Belly fat accumulation is not limited to subcutaneous fat, They are located centimeters beneath the skin, but also include another less obvious fat, visceral fat, which surrounds organs such as … Read more

This is how nature benefits our happiness and well-being

This is how nature benefits our happiness and well-being

in spain More than 80% of the total population, approximately 39 million people, live in urban areas. Urban environments are very useful when it comes to providing certain services that are lacking in the rural world or, in the best cases, are less accessible. But urban life doesn’t have all the advantages. environmental pollution -The … Read more

The jewels that El Salvador hides

The jewels that El Salvador hides

Subscribe only to National Geographic Travel €5 per month And read the new magazine. Subscribe now Dive deeper into Salvadoran culture Transformed into one of the most unknown capitals of the American continent, San Salvador deserves a relaxing stay. visit to National Museum of Anthropology Dr. David J. guzman (MUNA) might be the best place … Read more

3 benefits of exercising on an empty stomach

3 benefits of exercising on an empty stomach

agree National Geographic at only €5 per month And read the new magazine. enjoy the National Geographic Special Edition still special price To be a customer. I’m sure you already know this Sedentary life is the enemy of health, You may also believe that when it comes to exercise, the first thing you should do … Read more

NASA needs you for a mission during the next solar eclipse

NASA needs you for a mission during the next solar eclipse

nurture your curiosity National Geographic magazine for only €5 per month and gets one Gift Of welcome. enjoy the National Geographic Special Edition still special price To be a customer. During the next eclipse, NASA needs you. And if this statement surprises you, wait because there’s more… This space agency wants to collect Your multisensory … Read more