These are the happiest countries in Latin America

He international day of happinessis celebrated March 20is an anniversary promoted by the United Nations (UN) to “recognize” relevance of Happiness And this welfare as the universal aspirations of human beings and the importance of their inclusion in government policies.”

annually, world happiness reportwhich provides an overview of welfare trends Different ages and generations of people around the world, As the report’s website explains, the findings are based on data from the Gallup World Poll and analyzed by some of the world’s leading well-being scientists.

experts use Reactions from people from over 140 countries To rank the “happiest” places in the world.

But… what place does Latin America hold in this ranking in 2024?

Although they are not part of the list of the 10 happiest countries in the world, some Latin American countries appear in the first 50 countries in the list for people of all ages. Costa RicaIn particular, very close to entering top ten,

One by one, these are the happiest countries in the region and their situation:

  • Costa Rica: 12th
  • Mexico: 25th
  • Uruguay: 26th
  • El Salvador 33°
  • Chile 38°
  • Panama: 39th
  • Guatemala 42°
  • Nicaragua 43°
  • Brazil 44°
  • Argentina 48th

The list continues: paraguay (57°), honduras (61°), Jamaica (67°), peru (68°), Dominican Republic (69°), Bolivia (73°), Ecuador (74°), Colombia (78°) and Venezuela (79°).

Meanwhile, globally, the 2024 report shows that the happiest are the three Nordic countries: Finland, Denmark and Iceland. After this there are Sweden and Israel.


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