This is how nature benefits our happiness and well-being

This is how nature benefits our happiness and well-being

in spain More than 80% of the total population, approximately 39 million people, live in urban areas. Urban environments are very useful when it comes to providing certain services that are lacking in the rural world or, in the best cases, are less accessible. But urban life doesn’t have all the advantages. environmental pollution -The … Read more

Discover Your Wellbeing: The Comprehensive Self-Care Guide for Women Healthy Habits Self respect self love Mental Health Personal Care welfare

Discover Your Wellbeing: The Comprehensive Self-Care Guide for Women  Healthy Habits  Self respect  self love  Mental Health  Personal Care  welfare

He self care This has become an important issue in contemporary society, as it is a fundamental function that significantly influences physical pleasure And emotional Of the people. Although it may be seen as a passing trend due to its excessive spread through social networks, in reality it is an essential tool to restore balance … Read more

Breathing is important for improving health and well-being

Breathing is important for improving health and well-being

Humans can survive for long periods without food, several days without drinking water, but only a few minutes without breathing. This mechanical action is so important that we perform continuously And it has been shown that, with good work, we can achieve very positive health outcomes. We breathe approximately 21,000 times a day, and many … Read more

Healthy diet To lose weight and belly fat, they recommend eating the superfood for dinner three times a week

Healthy diet  To lose weight and belly fat, they recommend eating the superfood for dinner three times a week

To lose weight and belly fat, they recommend eating the superfood for dinner three times a weekShutterstock The human body is chemistry. Therefore, reduce weight this is a Exercise that requires the advice and assistance of a nutritionist He Know the body, its functioning and Habits of dieters Developing personalized recommendations and accompanying the individual … Read more

Under what circumstances do people with mental disorders become violent? , health and wellness

Under what circumstances do people with mental disorders become violent?  ,  health and wellness

Violence is currently a public health problem and often impacts the most vulnerable members of the community, such as minors and women. A well-organized society provides people through family and school socialization and the acquisition of moral conscience, integration mechanisms, and emotional connections with other human beings that protect them from getting involved in destructive … Read more

Lying (a lot) can affect your self-esteem. health and wellness

Lying (a lot) can affect your self-esteem.  health and wellness

In 2020, three researchers from the University of Twente (Netherlands) set out to shed light on an issue full of questions about how lying affects our self-esteem. Does knowingly lying affect the evaluations we all make about ourselves? Does this make us feel like worse people? Does it leave us indifferent? “We found it interesting … Read more