Discover the benefits of sports practice for your health

Physical activity refers to any activity of the body that requires energy expenditure. This includes everyday activities such as walking, climbing stairs, housework, and more structured exercise such as running, swimming or lifting weights.

This is not limited to sports or intense exercise, but includes any type of activity that involves muscle work and increases the heart rate. importance of physical activity It has innumerable benefits for physical and mental health.

benefits of physical activity

Regular exercise is the key to maintaining and optimizing health as well as preventing various pathologies in people of all ages. benefits of physical activity These include not only greater longevity and quality of life, but also significant improvements at the physical, psychological and social levels. Specialized sites such as the Aqua Foundation and the Ibero-American Foundation for Occupational Safety and Health state the following benefits:

benefits of exercising At the physical level they include improved cardiovascular health, strengthening of muscles and bones, regulation of blood pressure, control of body weight and improved efficiency of the respiratory system. Additionally, it contributes to the regulation of blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

On a psychological level they include a reduction in stress and anxiety, improvements in mood and self-esteem, and increases in energy levels and general well-being.

Additionally, the benefits of regular physical activity mentioned above will help improve sleep quality and may be an important factor in the prevention and management of disorders such as depression.

components of physical activity

importance of physical activity This is manifested through its various components, which are closely linked to health. These include developing cardiorespiratory endurance, promoting flexibility, strength and muscular endurance as well as improving coordination.

1. Cardiorespiratory endurance

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, cardiorespiratory endurance, one of the benefits of physical activityIt is the body’s ability to sustain physical effort over long periods of time, while optimizing oxygen use in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

This skill is important for activities that demand stamina and efficiency in breathing and blood circulation. These three sports emphasize cardiorespiratory endurance in the following ways:

● Long distance athletics (e.g. marathon)

Long-distance running is challenging and strengthens the heart and lungs, improving their ability to pump oxygen into the body and expel carbon dioxide more efficiently.

● cycling

As the cyclist exerts sustained effort, cardiorespiratory endurance improves, resulting in the body’s ability to handle high levels of activity for long periods of time.

● swimming

Swimming greatly improves cardiorespiratory endurance, as the body must learn to use oxygen more efficiently while maintaining a constant swimming speed.

2. Flexibility

Flexibility is the ability of muscles and joints to move through a full range of motion. This is an important physical quality that allows you to move with greater amplitude and without restriction, reducing the risk of injury. These three sports emphasize flexibility:

● gymnastics

Gymnasts perform routines that involve turns, jumps and balancing, forcing their bodies to reach and maintain peak position. It not only improves flexibility but also makes it essential to execute complex and technically challenging movements.

● yoga

Different asanas or yoga asanas work on different muscle groups, promote muscle extension and strengthening and improve joint mobility.

● dance

Dance involves a variety of movements that require a high level of flexibility. From ballet to contemporary dance, dancers perform a variety of movements including stretches, jumps and twists that demand and develop extreme flexibility.

Two people doing yoga posture in the park. , Source: Freepik

3. Coordination

The Ibero-American Foundation for Occupational Safety and Health points to coordination, which is defined as the ability to move several parts of the body together and harmoniously to achieve a specific action and Which allows good synchronization between the nervous system and muscles. Precise and efficient movements, it is stimulated through physical activity. These three sports emphasize coordination:

● football

Players must coordinate movements of the feet, legs, and torso to control and pass the ball, in addition to maintaining balance and spatial orientation.

● basketball

Basketball requires similar coordination, with additional emphasis on the hands and arms to dribble, pass, and throw the ball.

● tennis

In tennis, hand-eye coordination is essential to accurately hit the ball as it moves around the court.

4. Muscular strength and endurance

Muscular strength and endurance refer to the ability of muscles to exert force and maintain it for a long period of time, respectively. Muscular strength allows powerful, short movements, while muscular endurance focuses on the ability to perform activities for long periods of time without fatigue. These three sports emphasize the following components:

● weight lifting

Weightlifting focuses on lifting maximum weight in a variety of styles, which leads to great development of muscular strength.

● CrossFit

CrossFit combines high-intensity exercises that improve both muscle strength and endurance.

● sailing

Meanwhile, rowing is excellent for developing muscular endurance, especially in the upper body and legs.

Participating in these games represents benefits of physical activity Not only muscle development, but also general health and well-being improves.

How much physical activity do older adults need?

Older adults doing physical activity outside. , Source: Freepik

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults over the age of 65 need at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week because it is important for maintaining good health. This practice can prevent or reduce many health problems related to aging, Additionally, it strengthens the muscles, allowing you to maintain independence in daily activities.

It’s important to remember that any amount of exercise is beneficial. The more you engage in physical activity, the more you will see the benefits of physical activity on your overall health. There are the following types of physical activities for older people:

● Aerobic activity

Practicing aerobic exercise, also known as “cardio,” increases your breathing rate and makes your heart beat faster. Activities such as mowing the lawn, attending dance class, walking to the store, or riding a bike contribute to this type of exercise.

Even something as simple as walking at a moderate pace is an excellent way to do this. exercises for older adults Which your body needs.

● balancing activity

Activities focused on balance, such as walking backwards, standing on one leg, or using a wobble board, are essential to prevent falls.

This practice, which is part of benefits of exercisingThe muscles of the back, abdomen and legs are also strengthened, improving general balance.

● Multicomponent physical activity

Multicomponent physical activity combines different forms of exercise, such as aerobics, muscle strengthening, and balance training. This type of activity can be practiced in both home and community settings as part of structured programs.

Performing multicomponent physical activities may help reduce the risk of injuries caused by falls and improve physical functioning in older adults.


Regular physical activity provides countless benefits of physical activity, which has positive effects on the physical and mental health of people of all ages. From improving heart and muscle health to boosting mental health and coordination, exercise is essential for a healthy, balanced life.

Related Questions

What is the best exercise for people over 60?

For people over 60, ideal activities include walking, for its safety and cardiovascular benefits; yoga or tai chi, which improves flexibility and balance; And swimming, which provides low-impact exercise for the whole body, are options that are effective for both physical and mental health.

What are the 4 physical abilities?

The four basic physical abilities are strength, effort, and moving objects; Resistance, which allows you to perform activities for a longer period of time; Flexibility, essential for joint range of motion; And coordination is the key to executing precise and efficient activities.

How is a person’s physical ability measured?

Physical ability is measured through specific tests: cardiorespiratory efforts for resistance, strength exercises to measure muscle strength, flexibility tests, and coordination and agility exercises. These tests assess overall fitness level and specific areas for improvement.

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