Social welfare organizes a workshop for women who consume psychoactive drugs

State studies show a very clear increase in the consumption of psychotropic drugs over the last three years. The number of people using anxiolytics, antidepressants and hypnotics has increased to such an extent that in the preparation of the Irun City Council’s IV Addiction Prevention Plan it was decided to address this issue, unpublished in previous versions of the document.

“We also did this,” explained Nuria Alzaga, representative of social welfare and equality, “taking into account the gender perspective.” Most of the people taking psychotropic drugs are women. “Not only are there more women, but studies are showing that there are twice as many women as men.”

  • Emotional Health Workshop
    They will be group sessions for twelve women over the age of 18 who use psychotropic medications. The aim is to create a safe space and provide them with the tools to manage different situations.

  • Dates
    Between 10 and 12 sessions will be held biweekly, starting February 9 and ending at the end of June.

  • Registration
    Women wishing to take part must sign up before this Friday, January 26, by calling 010 or 943 50 51 52.

For this reason, the first line of action in this area will be carried out in Mahila Sadan and will be targeted at the female population aged 18 years and above. In the community prevention service, it was considered important to implement the proposal in this format taking into account the number of women attending primary care consultations with emotional problems and the possibilities, according to studies, to treat depression or anxiety with psychotropic drugs Went. There are too many of them.

From February to June, in two-weekly sessions lasting 2 days, a group of women will be able to share this emotional health workshop led by the psychologist Mader Andonegui. “The main objective is to offer assistance, which we believe can be vital at a time of great insecurity,” Alzaga said. The representative commented that one of the challenges that comes with the implementation of this action is “to generate a space of trust in which participants can verbalize and share the situation in which they find themselves with complete calmness, Also “they can be aware of the appropriate use of these psychotropic medications and what side effects they may have.”

Another perspective the workshop will work on is to “provide participants with other tools, such as breathing or relaxation exercises,” so they can work on certain types of conditions beyond psychotropic medications.

Registration till Friday

The sessions will start next February 9 with a maximum of 12 participants. Registration can be completed through this Friday, January 26 via 010 or 943 50 51 52.

Although the direction of the workshop and its sessions will be led by Mader Andónegui, Alzaga anticipated that there will also be a day in which a psychiatrist from the Osakidetza Mental Health Center in Irun will visit.

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