The Gym of Creativity: 10 minutes of peace a day to make your mind happy

develop our creativity This is a good way to farm happy brain, The ability to think outside the box, find new solutions and generate ideas is not the inheritance of some people. combined with the ability to put focus an activity has a significant impact on us mental well-being, “The The pace in which we live todayCreate our opportunities, both professional and personal be creative may decrease, as well as the probability take care and enjoy yourself Daily. Our the mind guesses We constantly worry about events that have not yet happened or about events that have already happened. This is because, somehow, we allow our work to be done automatic thoughts And without any control they dictate our lives. All this creates us uncertainty, tension And makes it impossible for us enjoy the momentRight now”, explains Baraka Center Of art and mindfulness,

Creative Gym: 10 Minutes a Day That Calm Your Mind

Stitches by artist Claire Wellesley Smith. You can follow her at @cwellesleysmithClaire Wellesley Smith

He creative gym Is a place to stall, a daily place for turn off brain autopilot and leave him to wander, to explore, to discover, to take risks, a moment to find State Flow with maximum heart concentrationcreativity, joy and Happiness, a study of Fielding Graduate University ,Mindful creativity: Exploring mindfulness interventions in work group creativity.– barely showed 10 minute mindfulness, 7 out of 10 people in a group increased their Creative Ideas, He psychologist and professor at the University of Amsterdam matthijs bass demonstrated the importance of certain skills developing through practice Mindfulness in the creative process, For example:

  • Overview: The ability to observe internal events (such as physical sensations, thoughts and emotions) and external stimuli (images, sounds, smells, etc.).
  • conscious presence: The ability to perform an activity with complete attention.
  • Description: Being able to describe events without conceptually analyzing them.
  • accept without judgment: Do not be prejudicial or judgmental about the experience of the present moment.

How to Build Your Own Creative Gym

It is common to find in Social Networks People showing how they practice creative mindset, If you’ve been off the rails of creative pursuits for a long time, remember this creativity is trained, For example, it is explained by business coach joaquin monzo in his book Creativity Gym: 5 Routine Method (Editorial platform). These are our keys to building your own gym:

  • schedule activity: Your search daily moments Practicing creative mindfulness. reserve between 10 and 30 minutes, as you like. He end of the day This is a good moment. This will give you relief.
  • Designate a spot in your home, it is perfect decoration trend Which you can learn more about in our article: The new “wellness zone” your home needs to give you peace and relaxation,
  • Choose creative mode Whatever you want most: draw, sew, cut, paint…
  • free your Mind, Don’t look for any other intention than to focus your attention on the activity. It doesn’t matter whether it’s beautiful or ugly, if you’re wrong…that’s it, enjoy,
  • And one more thought: create a art magazine With all the creations you create day after day. It would be a good idea to review them later source of satisfaction,

3 activities to practice in your creativity gym

Creative project by artist Julie Hamilton. You can follow her at @juliehamiltoncreativeJulie Hamilton

  1. University, This fun artistic exercise includes stick paper, First you have to put cuttings, wrapping, ribbons, stickers in a box… During your creative gym time, you will create a free and spontaneous creation.
  2. slow stitch, Take an old sheet, your sewing kit, and any thread you have for sewing: ropes, threads, wool….sewing, embroidery, cross stitch… anything goes with your old sheet and your moment of creative awareness.
  3. Creative calligraphy. Pencils, markers, pens, pens… and a white pad. set your course emotions And put them on the page without any rules, without preconceived ideas, with care and maximum enjoyment.

Resilient sewing: well-being and connection in textile art

Claire Wellesley-Smith. Bastford Publishing. For sale on Amazon (22 euros)

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Calimantra, calligraphy techniques, to work on mindfulness

Calimantra. Gustavo Gili Editorial. For sale on Amazon (17.10 euros)

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