Transforming the CHIP into the Workplace Wellness Paradigm: A Challenge for HR

Our mission as an HR function is Create workplaces where people thrive, don’t despair and so we will all win. People live fuller lives and organizations achieve better results, reduce stress and improve mental health.

But looking at the current situation, it seems that whatever we do, which is impressive, does not reach, does not penetrate, does not work. I warn you that I don’t have any magic recipe, but maybe there is a little hope. replace wellness chipProductivity and prosperity.

I grew up seeing my father always struggling at work. He was a carpenter. During that period of transition he found himself unemployed several times, and this was a major stressor. But when I got a job it felt like the same topic at home, and not for positive reasons: bosses, broken promises, the risk of doing X or Y. I don’t want to talk to you about my childhood, just want to justify my eternal fascination with power of work to generate tension everywhere.

This work appears to honor the origin of its name. According to ChatGPT, work comes from Latin. Tripelium And refers to an ancient torture device made of three sticks or batons that was used to immobilize or punish people. Over time, words Tripelium Developed to refer to the concept of work, possibly due to association of work with effort and difficulty,

It may seem that this is still the case if we take a look at the figures: according to the latest WHO data they add up to cost the global economy $1 trillion, another study estimates. 60% people are lazy at work, And the latest Gallup poll figures are already Engagement Low minimum: Only 15% of people, one and a half out of every 10, are like this engaged, Committed, in your work. And this data at a time when HR is doing more than ever to improve workplaces, This is an unstable situation.

I always sat in the line of optimists, so if stress has the power to create discomfort at work, it also opens the door to creating well-being, don’t you think? For this reason, in 2005 I decided to join an EU-funded project to implement Great Place to Work Institute In Spain. I can assure you that at that time, amidst the most skeptical criticism, the organizations’ policies and practices were not at the level they are now.

But then, what is the problem? How is it possible that the more we do, the less impact we have?

is one of the reasons that the economic value of the wellness sector is very high, which can attract people who do not know the subject in depth, and has led to the spread of magical elixirs that promise well-being by connecting to an app. Apps that have low compliance.

In fact, there are those who believe that the cure is worse than the disease, because raising the banner of “do this and you will get well” creates expectations that are difficult to meet. And after the initial period of possible honeymoon with the magical elixir, or rather its placebo effect, Happiness remains evident even in its absence, It may also be that these magical elixirs generate more stress than anything else, because they are just another thing to do. And that kind of goodness can seriously harm health.

But things could be simpler. To begin with, well-being is not consumed, it is not bought, goodness is learned, And welfare is rather “well-being”. Well-being is not a moment of happiness, which is known as “hedonism” and which should definitely exist. However, well-being is rather “eudaimonia” and has to do with something like muscle, with a capacity that helps us overcome difficulties and exert effort in work and life, along with the flexibility to become our best. . version. And it is not to be consumed, it is taught that it is personal and non-transferrable.

Synthesizing over 25 years of passion for this single topic, thousands of conversations, over 500 companies, over 1,000 conversations with HR talent, and over 2 million people is a daunting task. But it all starts with doing something different. It’s not about adding another program that has a short-term impact on people and a lasting impact on people’s trust, but it looks great for the gallery. And be careful, well-being seriously damages organizational health. Perhaps this 5-step roadmap will help you.

  1. Give priority to: Wellness is not just a luxury, but a basic necessity and a strategic tool. Dedicate the time and space necessary to develop it and turn it into a strategic lever for your organization, elevating it and involving leaders
  2. Center: Stop talking the same old thing. Avoid the temptation to purchase more tools or applications. sometimes less is more. Simplify your approach and focus on what really matters.
  3. it starts with you: The first step in cultivating an environment of well-being is to take care of the people who take care of others, i.e. the HR team. Some studies point to high levels of wear and tear. Prioritize your team’s well-being and you’ll take an important step toward organizational success.
  4. integration: Bring all your HR initiatives and programs into one place around a consistent and meaningful framework. This will ensure that your approach is comprehensive and will have a real impact on both organizational health and the health of individual people.
  5. Metrics: Don’t underestimate the power of measurement. Evaluate the human resource footprint, including its impact on well-being, productivity and other relevant aspects. This will give you a chance to identify areas of improvement and adjust your strategies effectively and demonstrate positive impact.

And now, although no one said replacement was easy, if you change the chip, it may be easier than it seems. Pleasant change.

Montse Ventosa

Co-Founder and CEO of HappyShifting

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