Emotional Balance: How New Year’s Eve Affects Our Emotions

Asking ourselves about our humanity and our coherence with our deepest desires is a great commitment to understanding our emotional world (example image infobae)

since ancient times emotional world has always been a matter of concern for experts of Human science, What one knows, and desperately wants, is to feel good, avoid pain and promote actions consistent with what we feel.

Mood is the emotional aspect of personality, so we can recognize that it is our way to feel, Our is and it is also possible to describe ourselves in affective ways that identify us: “I am.” optimistic/ am pessimistic,

Love Are sequential emotional states Which colors our lives according to the circumstances we experience, for example: love, happiness, sadness, to name a few.

The pursuit of happiness and optimism is universal, but life also makes us pass through painful moments that challenge our emotional strength (illustrative image infobay)

Of course, of all these emotional-emotional manifestations, happiness, expansion, will to live, optimism, are the most desired and we would like them to stay with us for a long time. Although we all know this Human life has to go through painful situationsCriticisms, some more than others, that provoke us Pain,

In the best cases, navigating conflict situations should be proactive. positive coping strategies, which allows us to move through trauma and emerge stronger. This happy option is considered and said to be one of the healthiest choices of the human species. resilience,

Subject flexible will be shown optimisticGrateful for life, will set boundaries when necessary and will be open to experience enrich and learn, He will be curious, enterprising, alert and adventurous, open to interpersonal relationships without getting lost in them; You will use perception to expand your view of the world, thinking to understand its grandeur; He will not allow himself to be bound by arbitrary rules and will struggle with his philosophy of life for a more just life, consistent with respect for man or nature in general.

The end of the year invites us to reflect on our emotional state, giving the opportunity to evaluate whether we are living in harmony with our desires and values ​​(illustrative image Infobae)

Reflecting on what happens to us in our emotional world is not a traditional task, but I would say that if there is no particular reason, it is dismissed or postponed for another occasion. The turmoil of modern life limits the perception of things to mere utility, thus emotions also become limited, thinking becomes limited to survival and interpersonal life becomes impoverished.

Whenever a year ends we are presented with The triple and sometimes difficult task of taking stock of the passing year, Evaluate the present and plan for the future. So many things in so few days. Especially when one wants to relax, unwind, leave worries for another occasion. However, the holidays are a good opportunity to open our perception to all the things that we overlook throughout the year: contemplating a landscape, listening to music, being with the people we love, meeting beautiful people. As for work, stimulating the imagination with reading, dedicating yourself to casual sex, trying new forms of communication as a couple, to name a few examples.

All these actions and more stimulate the emotional world. I propose that before diving into the classic “automatic thoughts” that guide these closing days of the year, we stop Think “How We Are” With Yourself and OthersDo not evaluate objectives achieved, nor reproach yourself for objectives postponed; Just to wonder about our humanity, if we are in tune with our deepest desires. It is a great commitment to try to know whether our emotional world has become enriched or, on the contrary, subordinated to daily life.

*Walter Geddin, (MN 74.794), is a psychiatrist and sexologist

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