Fluir Psychological Clinic, a place to help you find emotional well-being

Flow, a place to help you find emotional well-being

Flow there is one clinic PsychologyLocated in Calle Guitarra Fortea, 25, Castelloand is made up of Sandra Vinuesa and Andrea PredescuBoth health psychologist, Their professional work focuses on helping their patients (bothpairsAs adults, children and young men) to find emotional well-being In a safe place.

To achieve this goal, the Fluir team, which offers both Treatment individual and coupleworks mainly from cognitive behavioral modelSince, as he explains, “It is a therapeutic orientation in which there is a scientifically proven effectiveness In various types of psychological interventions. That is, all of cognitive behavioral therapy has already been tested and proven empirically and all of its procedures are supported by scientific studies. Furthermore, this therapy also includes third generation therapy.” Therefore, it is worth noting that both professionalsComplement this model with other psychotherapeutic approaches“Because it allows us to adapt to the different needs of patients,” he explains.

Fluir opened its doors in November 2023 on Calle Guitarra Fortea, 25 in Castelló.


The main problems treated at the clinic are related to Worry, Depression and as a coupleIts symptoms and causes are sometimes difficult to detect. Clinical psychologists highlight that “anxiety problems today are one of the fundamental reasons why people go for counseling. Any change, whether personal, work or social, is difficult to cope with.” “Anxiety and stress arise in response to an existential imbalance between the individual and their environment.”

About depressive episodeFleuer indicates that “people who suffer from them feel sad and depressed. At first, this change in attitude is not noticeable; however, as the days go by, it becomes more apparent. irritability This is also very common in these cases.”

what to do with couple problems“The main reason for consultation is situations that threaten the continuityOut of this, in problems like CommunicationsThe a routine, JealousyThe Family Everyone, atheism And a longer one and so on”, he points out.

The approach to these issues and their treatment is based on a major foundation in Fluir idea of equipment Of those responsible, as he explains, “By combining the knowledge of the team, a Wide variety of medical devices To present to our patients.


To achieve their objectives, Vinuesa and Predescu are committed to creating a trust the location which involves working on concerns that limit the individual’s growth, as well as establishing a good therapeutic relationship between patient and professionalWhich supports suitable conditions to achieve maximum possible progress in its development process. Personal Development and Resolution Conflict,

“We want to respond to all the problems that may arise in adults, children/youth and couples, using the techniques that best suit each. From the beginning study of individual needs We follow whoever comes for consultation personalized medicine Which adapts to the characteristics of each patient and their environment, designing and applying in each case Program specific intervention“, they tell.

The distinguishing characteristics of FLUIR are “the enthusiasm, motivation and dedication we have as a team to undertake this experience as professionals in the field of mental health. Our philosophy as psychologists is to provide our patients with Tools that serve as guides for good mental healthAs Seneca said, “No wind is favorable to those who do not know where they are going.” “We want to be a lighthouse that provides guidance for those who need it,” he concluded.


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