Luis Rojas Marcos: “Spanish women live longer because they talk a lot and are extroverts”

we know that Life expectancy have been increasing significantly in recent decades (on average, worldwide, This has been duplicated in a century), but also raises concerns about Quality of life with whom we will live That last step.

He anti aging (We should change the word to ‘aging well’, He welfareBecause the passing of time is inevitable) has become the focus of a lot of research about it, and shows how to live that stage with good mental health. luis rojas marcos, Renowned Spanish psychiatrist who has lived in New York since 1968 and who directed the city’s extensive mental health system between 1995 and 2002.

According to Luis Rojas Marcos, to age well, you have to live a social life and talk a lot

The Harvard study on happiness, which has been active for 80 years, is the most important to date and is currently directed at robert waldingerIt determines that the social component and Self (Technology does not replace it) fundamental For the happiness of humans. In this regard, Rojas Marcos explains with some humor (but with scientific basis) that when asked why Spanish women are the second oldest in the world (86.5 years on average), after Japanese women, He usually answers: “The spanish woman “He lives a lot because he talks a lot.” It’s no joke, he clarified: “It’s proven extroverted personcommunicator and one who tends to communicate It has many benefits In many ways, especially mental.

Experts clarify that we should also talk, especially at this stage of old age, “Even if it’s with a dog or a bird, “I live with someone, but I also have some canaries and I talk to them a lot,” Rojas Marcos confesses. Here is the full conference:

Talk to yourself, but talk to yourself nicely

During this interesting conference, Rojas Marcos also explains that we all almost constantly have a internal communication with us, “When we were little, we even expressed it out loud. I was a hyperactive child, and because I couldn’t sit still or stop talking, they would constantly scold me, saying, Luis, stop talking to yourself, What no one ever told me is louis, speak well,

For the psychiatrist, it is the way we talk to ourselves, and the means through which we interpret life (it’s called “explanatory style”) greatly affects our mental health and the way we age, so if our mentality is negative we should try to change it, as he already explained to us in an interview for TELVA.

We can say, and paraphrase this saying: “Think well, talk well, and you will live well.”, If someone listens to you, great, if not, there will always be absurd people.

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