Pediatric traumatology, why is it important in child development?

Pediatric Traumatology and Orthopedics It is a subspecialty with its own entity, because the physical characteristics of children are very different from those of adults, so both the pathology and the treatments used will also differ.

One of the characteristics that distinguish children and adolescents from adults is the presence of a structure in their bones called physis or growth plate, is important in its development. Various surgeries are related to physiology and give good results, but it is necessary to have professionals who are experts in the physiology of children.

Pediatric patients require one Specific management adapted to different stages of its development, whether a newborn, a baby, a school child or a teenager. Precisely, growth is what gives rise to pediatric orthopedic pathology and therapeutic decisions.

What is treated in the Children’s Traumatology and Orthopedics Service?

In the Orthopedic Surgery and Children’s Traumatology Unit of Quironsalud San Jose Hospitalby doctor Monica Alvarez, explain that this feature can be divided into two sections. Traumatology, on the one hand, is mainly dedicated to the treatment of fractures. And, on the other hand, orthopedics, as its name indicates, focuses on orthopedic problems.

Among other things, the types of deformities that orthopedics treats are: developmental disorders, scoliosis, hip dysplasia or clubfoot, In collaboration with other specialties such as neurology, serious syndromes or diseases such as childhood cerebral palsy are also addressed.

Head of the Orthopedic Surgery and Children’s Traumatology Unit of Quironsalud Zaragoza Hospitaldoctor alejandro sola, point out that to achieve a satisfactory resolution, early detection is very important, which facilitates the use of less invasive treatments. The most common problems treated at the unit include hip dysplasia and club and flat feet. Hip dysplasia, doctors say jesus braganteUnit Coordinator, is the most common congenital malformation in newborn children.

Apart from neonatal pathology, from the pediatric orthopedics unit. Quironsalud University Hospital Madrid, explain that there are a large number of pathologies that affect areas such as the hip, knee, tibia or foot. In addition to spinal deformities like scoliosis. In many of these cases it will be necessary to resort to surgery.

species also evolve

Although pediatric orthopedics and traumatology specialists have to deal with a great deal of orthopedic and developmental problems at an early age, as children grow up, injury and trauma They start getting more importance.

Accidents involving beaches, swimming pools, scooters and bicycles commonly occur in the summer. And in general there are more visits to the traumatologist. As the doctor says jose lerolaPediatric Orthopedic Surgeon Quironslud Sacred Heart HospitalThe bone trauma They usually occur in the upper and lower extremities, to a greater extent and in that order, in the radius, humerus, tibia, clavicle and femur.

In winter, as traumatologists explain manuel leyes and physiotherapist Angel BasasBoth Olympia ClinicFractures related to seasonal sports such as skiing and snowboarding are not uncommon. ,Beginner skiers, children or teenagers have an increased risk of foot fracture, and children under 10 years of age have 9 times the risk compared to skiers over 20 years of age.” Dr. Leyes explains.

Solution after trauma usually involves applying a plaster to the affected limb. We’re talking about a technology that’s over 160 years old and can logically be improved upon. In fact, the pediatric orthopedic surgery team at Quironaslud Sagrado Corazon-IHP-Orthopediatrica is using it. waterpoof plaster one of two submersible cast, This technology, which Dr. Lirola himself imported to the United States after a stay at Boston Children’s Hospital, allows the patient to shower daily, even at the beach or in the pool.

These submersible casts allow children to choose a cast in any color, they weigh less and they can put their hand under the tap if they feel itching, but they also have advantages for traumatologists, as it Content is not visible on X. Ray. Furthermore, the doctor says, “Unlike traditional plaster, does not harm skin or cause foul smell,

Sports-related injuries in children and adolescents

During the school year, extracurricular activities and sporting events also return. doctor Gonzalo Samitierorthopedic surgeon Quironsalud Badalona Hospital, states that one-third of childhood injuries occur during sports practice. Some of them are caused by trauma and the rest are caused by repetition or excessive efforts.

,Most Common Traumatic Injuries“, explains Dr. Samitier.They are ligament sprains (ankle, knee), muscle-tendon strains (hip, thigh), fractures (any location) and dislocations (shoulder, knee cap)., As children grow older, the risk of injuries increases, because although their motor coordination improves, they also gain more physical strength. This, in this area, works against them.

In addition, the doctor points out, the way children and teenagers practice sports has changed a lot over the years, with many training sessions and competitions taking place on weekends. This should be taken into account They are developing children. With open developing cartilage – which are affected by stress. On the other hand, the risk of initial expertise required for each sport increases overuse injurySuch as stress fractures and acute injuries.


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