This Tuesday, March 19, it is quoted as

This Tuesday, March 19, it is quoted as

This is why these places are favorites for travelers and savers to convert their local currency into foreign currency and thus be able to travel to other destinations or protect their assets in another currency. Keep in mind that these institutions do not set their prices according to any official entity, but are instead defined … Read more

Superweight League takes lead from dollar for three weeks

Superweight League takes lead from dollar for three weeks

The national currency ended at 16.71 units per dollar yesterday, up 0.6% or nine cents from last Friday. Wholesale operations reported by Bloomberg indicate that this is the third consecutive week that the dollar has gained. The Mexican currency fell second to the Chilean peso this week, rising 2%. Source: Bloomberg and Citibankmex The appreciation … Read more

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

The Network of Exchange Houses in Cuba (CADECA) has published its official exchange rates for March 12, 2024. This information is essential for both travelers visiting Cuba and Cubans who plan to receive foreign currency on the island through ticket reservation platforms. The published exchange rates for today are as follows: At CADECA offices: – … Read more

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

The Network of Exchange Houses in Cuba (CADECA) has published its official exchange rates for March 12, 2024. This information is essential for both travelers visiting Cuba and Cubans who plan to receive foreign currency on the island through ticket reservation platforms. The published exchange rates for today are as follows: At CADECA offices: – … Read more

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

The Network of Exchange Houses in Cuba (CADECA) has published its official exchange rates for March 12, 2024. This information is essential for both travelers visiting Cuba and Cubans who plan to receive foreign currency on the island through ticket reservation platforms. The published exchange rates for today are as follows: At CADECA offices: – … Read more

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

The Network of Exchange Houses in Cuba (CADECA) has published its official exchange rates for March 12, 2024. This information is essential for both travelers visiting Cuba and Cubans who plan to receive foreign currency on the island through ticket reservation platforms. The published exchange rates for today are as follows: At CADECA offices: – … Read more

Price of Dollar: Know the exchange rate of today, February 26

Price of Dollar: Know the exchange rate of today, February 26

The dollar started with a mixed trend. Last Friday it closed with gains and remains above S/3.70 He exchange rate Today matches the price reported on Friday, February 16, when Central Reserve Bank (BCR) Confirmed closing the day at S/3,797. With this, the US currency is 2.43% stronger than the Peruvian Sol so far in … Read more

Dollar in Mexico Today: Bad luck for the superweight? This is how the dollar is trading this Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Dollar in Mexico Today: Bad luck for the superweight?  This is how the dollar is trading this Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Bad luck for supervets? This is how the dollar rises this Tuesday, February 13, 2024 In international markets the Mexican peso is quoted at around 17.17 pesos per dollar. This represents a “depreciation” or “loss” of eleven cents for our currency. Well, comparing to the previous day, Monday, February 12th –In which the value of … Read more