Why is it convenient to do strength exercises?

Why is it convenient to do strength exercises?

When people over 100 are asked what the secret to longevity is, the answers vary. According to Jessie Galen, a woman who lived to be 109, the secret to her long life was to “stay away from men.” For another centenary of olive netting, this included “one guinea per day”. On the contrary, if we … Read more

A complete routine that you can incorporate into your daily life

A complete routine that you can incorporate into your daily life

If you’re over the age of 50, you may start to notice that your hinges have rusted. Your knuckles swell, your knees, back, neck, hips or shoulders crack. You feel pain in these or other joints, feel stiffness and lose range of motion. These are all symptoms of arthritis. But is there anything we can … Read more

The jewels that El Salvador hides

The jewels that El Salvador hides

Subscribe only to National Geographic Travel €5 per month And read the new magazine. Subscribe now Dive deeper into Salvadoran culture Transformed into one of the most unknown capitals of the American continent, San Salvador deserves a relaxing stay. visit to National Museum of Anthropology Dr. David J. guzman (MUNA) might be the best place … Read more

Do seven exercises every morning and stay healthy

Do seven exercises every morning and stay healthy

Do you wake up like a spring in the morning, ready to jump and run? Of course the opposite happens and when you get up you feel stiff or stiff, which goes away after a while. Although this stiffness is associated with aging and health disorders like arthritis, it is also a normal thing that … Read more

3 benefits of exercising on an empty stomach

3 benefits of exercising on an empty stomach

agree National Geographic at only €5 per month And read the new magazine. enjoy the National Geographic Special Edition still special price To be a customer. I’m sure you already know this Sedentary life is the enemy of health, You may also believe that when it comes to exercise, the first thing you should do … Read more

In this way they will now work with electric vehicles instead of horses.

In this way they will now work with electric vehicles instead of horses.

Designed to preserve the historic charm and architectural beauty of the city centre, the new electric cars will provide visitors and residents with a comfortable, safe and environmentally friendly transport experience. “The test car is similar to old cars, it also has the pre-recorded sound of horses galloping,” says Sebastián Caceres, a resident and businessman … Read more

NASA needs you for a mission during the next solar eclipse

NASA needs you for a mission during the next solar eclipse

nurture your curiosity National Geographic magazine for only €5 per month and gets one Gift Of welcome. enjoy the National Geographic Special Edition still special price To be a customer. During the next eclipse, NASA needs you. And if this statement surprises you, wait because there’s more… This space agency wants to collect Your multisensory … Read more

During the next eclipse, listen carefully

During the next eclipse, listen carefully

nurture your curiosity National Geographic magazine for only €5 per month and gets one Gift Of welcome. enjoy the National Geographic Special Edition still special price To be a customer. During the next eclipse, NASA needs you. And if this statement surprises you, wait because there’s more… This space agency wants to collect Your multisensory … Read more

Discover the best countries to live and visit in 2024

Discover the best countries to live and visit in 2024

In an increasingly interconnected world, migration It has become a constant search for better opportunities, security and quality of life. Motivated by the desire for a promising future for themselves and their families, millions of people decide to leave their homeland. It is noteworthy that migration is not an easy task, there are challenges in … Read more