bearing this in mind Happiness is a path, not a destination, we can maintain certain habits in our life that lead us towards a process that creates well-being and happiness. Let’s say happiness would be equated with a way of life. If you want to feel better this year, add these habits to your list of resolutions to be happier.

live in the present

It is very important to maintain this habit to avoid the sad feeling that life is slipping through our fingers. technology of consciousor live in the present, It involves focusing attention and awareness on the here and now, without getting carried away by the past or the future., Living in the present allows us to enjoy every moment, value what we have, face problems with more calmness and optimism and develop our potential.

Being present is an ongoing learning that allows us to grow, take courage, become more grateful, generous and also improves our confidence and self-esteem. Too It’s a balm for stress and anxiety, If there’s one adjustment you should make to improve your well-being this year, this is it.

To get this habit, you can start with meditation a few minutes a day, and increase progressively. There are many guided meditations on the Internet that can help you get started on this path.

Meditation focuses us on the present

Meditation is a great tool to help you focus on the present. (pexels)


This seems like a common refrain, but it has nothing to do with achieving a supposedly standard body, but actually having better well-being in your life. Exercise is one of the best ways to take care of our physical and mental health. And we will never tire of repeating it. When we exercise, our body experiences many physiological changes that improve our health and mood.

It increases blood flow, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the tissues, especially the muscles, brain and heart. This improves physical performance, cognitive function and prevention of heart diseases. But let’s explore what matters to us in this lesson, emotional well-being. doing physical exercise Promotes the release of hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and enkephalins, These chemical substances give us euphoria, happiness, satisfaction, peace and feelings of well-being. They also help us reduce stress, anxiety, depression and pain.

Too strengthens the immune system, which protects us from infection and inflammation. Exercise stimulates the production of cells and antibodies that fight pathogens and harmful substances. Promotes the elimination of toxins and free radicals through sweat and breathing.

Exercise releases feel-good hormones

When we exercise, our brain releases pleasure and well-being hormones. (pexels)

sleep more

Many times we sacrifice hours of sleep to complete the millions of tasks that always seem to be pending. This is one of the dangers of multitaskingThat we sleep less and worse. Sleeping at least 7 or 8 hours a day should be the primary goal To feel clearer and more relaxed in the morning.

when we sleep, Our body and brain perform essential functions Which help us in improving the quality of our life:

  • memory consolidation and learning, Sleep allows us to recover and reorganize the information acquired during the day, facilitating memory and knowledge.
  • regulation of appetite and metabolism, It helps us maintain hormonal balance which affects our appetite and satiety as well as energy and glucose use.
  • Increase in physical and mental performance. Provides the recovery and energy needed to face daily activities with greater efficiency, concentration, creativity and agility.
  • Preventing diseases and strengthening the immune system. Sleep protects us from cardiovascular problems, diabetes, obesity, cognitive decline and depression etc. Additionally, sleep improves our defense against infection and inflammation.
  • Development of social and emotional intelligence. It allows us to control our emotions and improve our mood, which has an impact on our self-esteem, our empathy, our communication and our coexistence with others.

Sleep is more than just rest, it’s an investment in our health and well-being, which It allows us to enjoy a full and happy life.

Getting good sleep improves mental health

Try to get the recommended hours of sleep to avoid feeling tired, irritable, and sad. (pexels)

Get more sunlight and nature

Who doesn’t feel in a better mood when it’s a sunny day? Sunlight stimulates the production of the happiness hormone serotonin, which affects our mood, appetite and sleep. If we add sunlight as well as a walk in nature, we will not only enjoy the beauty and peace of the environment, but also This will also give us a lot of peace and harmony.

Sunlight is the best way to synthesize vitamin D naturally. this vitamin It is essential for the absorption of calcium and the strength of our bones, teeth and muscles., Moreover, it improves our immune system and protects us from some diseases.

Do you know that sunlight improves our visual ability? This helps us concentrate and study better. In addition, sunlight in nature encourages us to practice physical activity, which provides us with energy, well-being, agility and resistance.

is it important Take precautions to avoid damage caused by solar radiation This can cause irritation to our skin, premature aging and skin cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to use sunscreen, appropriate clothing, hat and sunglasses and avoid hours of maximum solar intensity.

Sunbathing and contact with nature makes us healthy.

Going out into nature with friends provides a boost of energy and vitality that you should practice more often. (pexels)

build a good social network

In the so-called blue zones, the oldest regions on the planet, it has been proven that daily human contact with family, friends and neighbors occurs It is the key to extending years of life in great shape and with remarkable levels of well-being.

Establishing emotional bonds of trust, respect and mutual support makes us feel more together, valued and loved, this automatically improves our self-esteem, and also our security. This network allows us to share experiences, opinions, advice, resources… And provides us with emotional support that helps us face difficulties or losses in our life.

Participate in activities that involve interacting with more people Dancing, hiking, yoga, chess, cooking or reading groups What do you like more! Strengthen relationships with your friends and neighbors and take care of your family relationships. This will develop communication, empathy, assertiveness and collaboration skills in you which will make us feel more well-being and help us develop a sense of belonging.

Are you going to write these? happy habits On your list of resolutions this year?