A 20-year-old girl dies at the Smart Fit gym in Puerta Aragon

Young man dies while exercising (pictorial image infobae)

it was announced a young woman died Puerta Aragon, Gustavo A. Madero features a gym from the Smart Fit series located in the mayor’s office.

According to the journalist’s report multimedia The young woman who died was identified as Carlos Jimenez (C4) aileen sanchez And he was 20 years old. The death occurred when the woman was exercising when she suddenly became unconscious.

Due to the situation, paramedics belonging to the Secretariat of Civil Protection (SSC) of Mexico City (CDMX) were deployed in an attempt to help him.

The girl was exercising in the Smart Fit facilities located in the office of Gustavo A. Madero Mayor. Photo: Special

for its part, CDMX Prosecutor’s Office The corresponding investigation is already being conducted after the death, so the folder FIGAM/UAT-GAM-2/UI-1 S/D/00364/02-2024 was opened, where it is mentioned that the events took place in the past On Wednesday at the branch located in Puerta Aragón.

It is worth noting that just a few days ago a similar situation was faced by a person. I trained in the gym Died in a branch located in the above series Iztacalco Mayor’s Office,

Last Monday, February 12, 2024, a client of Smart Fit Gym died inside the facilities of a branch located in Iztacalco. eastern center of the country’s capital,

According to the information revealed, the person is approximately 49 years oldwhich collapsed exercised on the treadmillIn one of the headquarters located at Plaza Via 515.

A 49-year-old man died in a Smart Fit in Iztacalco (illustrative image Infobae)

As Carlos Jiménez reported, it was the employees of the establishment who reported the death of the man, whom they later identified. oscar granadosWho fainted while exercising.

He reported that there was a paramedic working at the scene, who tried to revive him using his knowledge of first aid; However, it was no longer possible to restore man he no longer had vital signs,

After the above, Mexico City Attorney General’s Office (FGJCDMX) opened an investigation folder to determine the cause of death of the man, and after expert opinion it was established that the cause of death was a sudden heart attack.

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