Age & Life Foundation launches 360º assessment project of well-being and dependency

Age & Life Foundation launches 360º assessment project of well-being and dependency

In recent years, the scientific-professional community has devoted significant efforts to the discovery Variables that have a significant relationship with aging and healthy longevity, to find additional purpose cause-effect factor which are easily convertible and on which you can Impact through specific interventions Designed with the intention that people, by adopting new behaviors or habits, … Read more

Taking a 30-minute nap benefits memory encoding.

Taking a 30-minute nap benefits memory encoding.

Although snap This is considered a Spanish custom, there are many places in the world where this is done. little Dream After lunch, a habit that comes from ancient Rome when it was customary to rest in the sixth hour of the solar day. Although practicing this habit may be controversial, the truth is that, … Read more

Valme strengthens the use of ultrasound in musculoskeletal procedures

Valme strengthens the use of ultrasound in musculoskeletal procedures

He Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Services of Valme Hospital Has been consolidated in the province as one of the centers with the most experience in the field of Ultrasound-guided diagnosis and intervention in musculoskeletal procedureswith Over 2,300 clinical functions With this process during the last year, triple that of just three years ago. “It translates … Read more

He took selectivity four times to study medicine.

He took selectivity four times to study medicine.

Paul comes from the Latin Paulus, meaning ‘small’ or ‘humble’. But pablo lafuenteThe hero of this story is a small person, to say the least. Yes, this reflects humility and simplicity. In fact, it can be synonymous with perseverance and a lot of effort. and it’s the same 23 year old young galician It took … Read more

New Belgian label on animal welfare – News

New Belgian label on animal welfare – News

According to Flemish Animal Welfare Minister Ben Wets, the new animal welfare label “Better for Animals” (Better voor Dieren) will be found on pork this year, while the poultry and beef sectors will receive the label in 2025 and 2026 respectively. The label was developed by the non-profit organization Association for the Promotion … Read more

He took selectivity four times to study medicine.

He took selectivity four times to study medicine.

Paul comes from the Latin Paulus, meaning ‘small’ or ‘humble’. But pablo lafuenteThe hero of this story is a small person, to say the least. Yes, this reflects humility and simplicity. In fact, it can be synonymous with perseverance and a lot of effort. and it’s the same 23 year old young galician It took … Read more

Discover the keys to happiness at work in our next webinar

Discover the keys to happiness at work in our next webinar

Do you agree to receive newsletters and commercial communications about products and services from Ediciones Digital Siglo 21 by e-mail? Yes No Add address NORESPONDER@RRHHDIGITAL.COM To your contact list or white mail list to avoid spam In compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of Organic … Read more

Science explains why exercise is the best medicine for anxiety

Science explains why exercise is the best medicine for anxiety

He Physical exercise It is the lubricant between body and mind. Be it going for a walk to refresh the mind or running in the park to recover from a stressful event, we are all familiar with its beneficial effects. game In our daily life. In fact, the idea that exercise can prevent anxiety and … Read more

As reacciona tu cuerpo cada vez que dorms: se reparan los msculos, mantiene la salud del cerebro y ayuda al bienestar emocional

As reacciona tu cuerpo cada vez que dorms: se reparan los msculos, mantiene la salud del cerebro y ayuda al bienestar emocional

En esta noticia Dormir: un proceso natural de 4 etapas que ayuda a restaurar el cuerpo del dao Bienestar emocional: por qu dormir mantiene la salud del cerebro y los estados de nimo?  El descanso nocturno juega un papel fundamental en nuestra salud fsica y mental, ya que sirve para que el cuerpo se recupere. Adems, … Read more