He took selectivity four times to study medicine.

Paul comes from the Latin Paulus, meaning ‘small’ or ‘humble’. But pablo lafuenteThe hero of this story is a small person, to say the least. Yes, this reflects humility and simplicity. In fact, it can be synonymous with perseverance and a lot of effort. and it’s the same 23 year old young galician It took him four times the selectivity to devote himself to something he was truly passionate about: Medicine.

Lafuente finished high school with just one grade higher. an average of six, A grade with which it was impossible to reach his dream career. And before graduating from high school, the young man did not know what his vocation was. “In those years I played football and my intention was to study a degree that would allow me to continue playing. I wanted it to be health science related, but “I never thought about going into medicine.”the student told this newspaper.

The first time Lafuente appeared for selectivity, he received a Average of eight. The 13th grade I needed to get into medicine was a long way off. At that time he was presented with two options: a sabbatical year, as they say, with the aim of preparing again for the EBAU, or two years, entering a higher cycle. pathological anatomy, And he chose the second option.

Pablo Lafuente is playing football.


After finishing the first year of the said FP, Lafuente wanted to try it once again and take selectivity to get higher grades and be able to access Nursing. Then he had to take only the subjects of Biology and Chemistry, which were typical subjects of the University Entrance Examination. But once again, He failed to achieve the required grades. “Then, I was forced to take the second year of the higher education cycle. There I started with an internship and I started to become interested in everything related to oncology. This was when I decided to study medicine.“, says the Galician.

Lafuente returned to Biology and Chemistry subjects at EBAU for the third time and after finishing Pathological Anatomy, with the intention of “getting more powerful grades”. But, again unsuccessful attempt. His average was 12’25. “That year came with Covid and grades at universities were very high,” he laments. “And your best option was Get admission to nursing degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela, since “more subjects validated me than at the University of Vigo”, and after some time, attempted to enter Medicine.

The thought of giving up never occurred to the young student. “I became a meme”, he says amid laughter. “At first, my mother encouraged me. She was used to having a son who was satisfied with getting the fifth grade. She knew how much effort he was trying to go into medicine. She supported me a lot. But When the third time wasn’t the charm… it was always like this ‘Pablo is going to be selective again’, I was a laughing stock among my friends, but still I got a lot of support from everyone around me,” he adds.

(Ian Lopez, a gifted person with high abilities with 14 points in selectivity: what he studies and where)

After graduating first in nursing, Lafuente took the EBAU exams in June and July. Then, nothing. He even got worse grades. In the second year of his degree, and while doing an internship, the young Galician felt an even greater need to pursue medicine. He explains, “That year I realized that nursing was not for me. However if I had to complete my degree, I would have completed it without any problems and also worked as a nurse.” But as mentioned above, Lafuente is synonymous with perseverance and hence, His last thought was to give up. However, that year he was forced to give up football because ““There came a time when, with the practices at the hospital, it was inconsistent.”

that summer, young man achieved desired 13, Up to eight subjects were validated and he is currently studying his third year of medicine. Lafuente admits that today he does not know where he will take his professional career. “I like oncology. I think the situation of having several close relatives suffering from cancer has increased my interest in this specialization. But “I also like cardiology.”He reveals.

With this, Lafuente expressed that “Yes, it is possible to run races and study medicine without having great grades.”, He is the biggest example. Additionally, she says that having the opportunity to study nursing has helped her value auxiliary nurses and all healthcare workers. ,Everyone in the hospital forms a team. Each has its own function and they are equally important,” he says.

The Galician revealed that he has not let his guard down and is trying harder than ever: “I have had to work very hard to get here.” He declares that he studies five hours a day, from eight in the morning to one in the afternoon, because he then goes to class.

In the future, “I see myself completing my degree without any problems and working in a few years, trying to be a good doctor“Furthermore, he admits that he intends to stay in Vigo, although he does not rule out doing his specialization in a foreign country.

(TagstoTranslate)Medicine(T)Student(T)Nursing(T)Vigo(T)Santiago de Compostela(T)Report

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