Taking a 30-minute nap benefits memory encoding.

Although snap This is considered a Spanish custom, there are many places in the world where this is done. little Dream After lunch, a habit that comes from ancient Rome when it was customary to rest in the sixth hour of the solar day. Although practicing this habit may be controversial, the truth is that, according to science, napping can improve learning and productivity. javier perez castelsSan Pablo, professor of organic chemistry at CEU University, confirms that sleeping a few minutes after eating lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack. Apart from this, it works to correct emotions in children.

How long should a nap last?

Research from the Center for Sleep and Cognition at the University of Singapore School of Medicine conducted a study to determine what the balance is between practicality and significant benefits.

Dr Ruth Leong And his team conducted a study among 32 young people, who were divided into four groups and asked to take a nap after their normal sleep at night. The first group did not nap. The other one did one for 10 minutes. Third 30 minute nap and fourth 60 minute nap on different days.

The researchers simply compared sleep time measured with polysomnography rather than the amount of time spent napping. This allowed clear decisions to be made about how much time should be allocated for naps, taking into account the average time taken to sleep. He moodThe subjective sleepiness And this cognitive performance Measurements were taken at five-minute, 30-minute, 60-minute, and 240-minute intervals after waking up from a mid-afternoon nap to compare whether the benefits of the respective naps persisted. The effect of these blink lengths on memory encoding was also examined.

A 30-minute nap had benefits only for memory encoding.

On average, participants It took him 10 to 15 minutes to fall asleep, Compared to being awake, all nap durations ranging from 10 to 60 minutes had clear benefits for positive mood, subjective sleepiness, and alertness lasting up to 240 minutes after the nap, suggesting that even short periods of 10 minutes may improve afternoon updates. Can act as. However, of the nap durations, only a 30-minute nap had benefits for memory encoding, indicating that, at least 30 minutes may be required to achieve memory benefits.

feasibility and benefits

Improvements in alertness were moderate and no benefits were seen processing speed, Sleep inertia, grogginess immediately after waking up that can manifest as a temporary decline in performance, was observed only during naps of 30 to 60 minutes. Nevertheless, the reduction was minimal and recovered within 30 minutes of waking up.

Although no clear “winning” nap duration was found, 30 minutes seems to be the best compromise between feasibility and benefits. The recommended duration for an afternoon nap may be 30 minutes, while an additional 10 minutes may be allowed for sleep.

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