Moderate exercise at certain times helps you relax./ Photo: Pexels.
Running or walking, lifting weights, and doing yoga will help you enjoy the quality sleep you need.
by Marcos Lopez
March 3, 2024 / 09:30
When the day is over and it’s time to enjoy a good rest. of gold and regain strength To face a new day. Even more so when, to facilitate your meeting with Morpheus, you have gone out for a run and are tired. But hours pass and you don’t stop tossing and turning in bed. Another night, you have the restful sleep you need. Doesn’t exercise help you sleep? Well, not necessary. we tell you what training to follow So that, finally, you can sleep peacefully.
doctor Sophie BostockThe founder of The Sleep Scientist Platform, recalls that “We are all born with the ability to sleep. But modern life sometimes gets in the way and we lose touch with it natural rhythm “Which regulate our sleep, our alertness, our appetite and our emotions.”
Exercise regularly
Walking, running, lifting weights or dancing: All physical activities help you sleep, And the important thing here is regularity. Not the intensity, because as the expert points out, “excessive exercise is usually characterized by sleep problems.” A study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison shows that the rigorous exercise practice for professional athletes is so responsible that they do not get good sleep. Be consistent and don’t overdo it.
Being tired is not the same as sleep.
Tiredness is not synonymous with sleep. It’s true that regular physical activity is essential for good rest, but burning energy doesn’t always make it easy for Morpheus to welcome you into his arms. Even less so if you already suffer from insomnia or another sleep disorder, in that case – but not for the rest of the population – any late exercise would be taboo because, instead of relaxing you, it will increase your heart rate and body. Will increase the temperature. That is, it will have a stimulating effect – and will be more tired Which you will carry till the next day.
stroll in the sunlight
Sunlight tells the brain that it is time to stop producing melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep/wake cycle and whose secretion prepares the body for sleep. An effect that cannot be achieved with artificial light.
So if you usually train in your living room or at the gym, supplement your routine by exercising outside. Go outside, which will help your body stay awake and know when it needs rest later. Or what is the same, to set your biological clock.
But a gym session already makes you tired. How much extra exercise do you have to do outside? Well, not very much: a study from Brandeis University concludes walk 7,000 steps a day This is enough to improve sleep quality.
a silent race
Running also has a positive effect on sleep patterns. And not just for the simple fact of being an exercise: the constant rhythm of the steps. helps to relax the brain, Like with meditation.
Once again, you have to be careful with intensity: not too fast, not too far, And in the same way, it must be avoided that the brain does not hear those rhythmic steps that soothe it so much: no headphones, No music or podcasts to distract the mind. And much better under the sun’s rays.
better than yoga
If it means relaxing the mind, eliminating the stress that prevents you from sleeping, then running is good, but meditating is much better, It is also not necessary to practice this meditation right before going to bed: regardless of the time, doing it regularly every day will train you to achieve the desired disconnection after going to bed. For example, with sumAccording to Zhejiang University, sleep quality improves with three weekly sessions.
lift weights to fall on the bed
Lifting weights is very effective in strengthening muscles and bones. But there’s more: A study from Iowa State University showed that three one-hour weekly sessions helped induce sleep faster, and that last longer. What is not achieved by aerobic exercise is why, as Dr. Angélique Brelenthine, one of the authors of the research, concludes, “People who are concerned about their sleep and who have limited time to exercise It’s time, they should think about it Prioritize strength exercises,