Luis Guemes, salteño and medical hero

Salta doctor Luis Güemes honored his grandfather’s memory with a professional career that, according to his colleague Mariano Castex, made him “the authority who, for the longest time, has deserved the maximum respect of the Republic.”

He was a professional of international dimension. Daniel J. Despite his lineage, according to Cranwell, when he was offered the chance to run for president in recognition of his extraordinary career as a doctor, “who had the powerful people of his country and all the unfortunate as his patrons. There were people”, he refused. The honor of holding office and holding the post of professor.

He was born in Salta on February 6, 1856, the son of Luis Guemes Puch and Rosaura Castro y Sanjetanía. He completed his primary and secondary studies in the province. For some time he followed courses at an agronomy school. His holidays were spent at a rural estate called “El Carmen de Guemes”.

In 1873 he moved to Buenos Aires to study medicine with the Tedin family and his brother Domingo. The Revolution of 1874 broke out and with his brother Domingo he joined the government as private soldiers. He graduated in 1879 under the Dean, Dr. Pedro A. He graduated as a doctor with a thesis, sponsored by Pardo, called “Moral Medicine”.

Dr. Pardo offered him his office to begin practicing medicine. To deepen his knowledge, he enrolled in a medical course in Paris, France. There he obtained his medical degree for the second time in 1887.


He completed further studies in Austria, Germany and England and returned to the country in 1888. He was the most famous doctor, the quintessential doctor, in Buenos Aires. He bought the office that belonged to Dr. Cleto Aguirre. He served in the federal capital, interior and neighboring countries. His patients waited day and night to see the “magician of medicine”. The consultation began in the afternoon and continued throughout the night until dawn. In 1895 he was appointed member of the Academy of Medicine to seat number 6, replacing Dr. Mauricio Caton, where he presented his work “Precision in Medicine”. In 1897 he was appointed head of the newly created Chair of the Medical Clinic at the University of Buenos Aires. As a professor at the university he never failed any student until his retirement in 1921. In 1912 he was named dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Buenos Aires. Without being politically active, he represented the province of Salta by election as national senator (1907–1916), vice president of the CORE for several years, and sometimes as president. Promoter of several laws: construction of the Naval Hospital, the Trasandino Salta-Antofagasta railway. That’s when they offered him the presidential candidacy, which he did not accept because his vocation was in office. He died in the federal capital on December 9, 1927.


The “Dr. Luis Guemes” General Acute Interzonal Hospital in Haydo honors his career. In Salta, the playing fields and stadium of Club Atlético Central Norte pay fitting tribute to him.

On December 7, 1935, a memorial made by the sculptor Agustin Riganeli was placed on the front of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Buenos Aires on a memorial Cordoba Avenue in his memory, which mentioned “great doctors, great professors, great”. Physician.” In the facilities of the Sorbonne, a large plaque in low relief was discovered commemorating her name and her science. Her books: “Guemes Documented”, 1982, volumes 3 and 7, plus ultra. “Dona Carmen Data about the Puch de Güemes”.

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