Meditate for your own well-being! Electromeditation and mindfulness are other options

03:58 pm

meditate, to Pablo D’Ors in his book biography of silence, It is a tool that concentrates us, “It brings us home, it teaches us to be with our being.” For the Spanish author, to meditate is to participate in “this fascinating and tremendous process of death and rebirth.” This sounds dramatic and intense, but to make it more concrete, the Mayo Clinic details on their website that meditation is a simple and quick way to reduce stress.

“Attention It has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation was originally intended to help deepen the understanding of the sacred and mystical forces in life. Currently, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction,” he explains.

This practice is considered a type of complementary medicine for the mind and body because “during meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the flow of confusing thoughts that are filling your mind and causing you stress.” This process can result in increased physical and emotional well-being,” he says at the Mayo Clinic.

This practice has spread more strongly in the West after the pandemic, although there are still those who are neither adopting it nor have been able to achieve it. For author and meditation guide Andrea Halaby, Spiritual tools become more visible at key moments in history And there are many countries (like eastern countries) in which spiritual presence is very strong, but in our countries people look for the spiritual more in times of crisis.

For Valentina Ramirez, Meditation and Reiki Facilitator, People are definitely falling for it burn out or burnout syndrome, Stress is very noticeable and this is where meditation comes in to help. Because “It has been shown that meditation is a tool that helps us focus on the present moment and we need those places where we can not only enjoy and access more creative places, but also our nervous system. Be attentive to the present also to calm the

Andrea reiterated that, today, there are more or less 2,500 ways to meditate: “Zen, Hindu, Buddhist, there’s a rainbow of possibilities in the realm of meditation, If you don’t know how to meditate, it may be due to lack of knowledge or you have tried only one of the 2,500 and did not adapt., And the first thing there is to clarify the idea that meditating means having an empty mind, because it doesn’t.

Vanessa Restrepo Ochoa, preacher, coach and DJ and creator of Electromeditation, says that emptying the mind is a myth that breeds doubt and avoidance: “Meditation involves observing one’s own breathing, through conscious or voluntary breathing. To enter the state of consciousness through this medium.

Valentina says it is a path that has no end because meditating is learning to observe, know and train the mind and all it requires is intention and willpower.

new trends

Andrea Halaby will have a group meditation and breathing class this weekend at the second edition of the Habitat Fair in El Tesoro Commercial Park (it will be on Sunday at 11:30 am) where she will teach about breathing with exercises. Show different tools for staying calm and present.

One of his recommendations is to “take meditation slowly while you understand and learn that it is a tool to quiet the mind and be able to be more present.”

there is another key Inform yourself and explore with openness and willingness because you have to learn and practice, “There are some meditations that are more recommended for anxious people, others for the day or night and for example you don’t always have to meditate in a meditative posture, you have to accept that that’s how it works for you. “We all have different paths and forms of meditation.”

Vanessa Restrepo Ochoa Found in Type Meditation conscious (of complete meditation as recommended by WHO) a life mission and that is why he immersed himself completely in it electric focus (Electromeditation in Spanish) which involves meditating with electronic music.

That’s why he started researching the topic after attending an electronic music festival in Miami, “At the festival I thought that if people could reach the level of introspection that I reach when listening to music, they would understand What meditation is and how they will use it. “Music for purposes other than mere entertainment that often contains alcohol or drugs.”

Electromeditation unites everything Vanessa has learned over the years from quantum coaching to mindfulness, From kinematics (the science that studies the graphic representation of sound) to binaural waves (auditory stimulation with two different tones or frequencies for each ear) and everything he has learned to become a DJ and be able to handle the music at will. Anything studied, to understand it better. “I needed instrumental music, more harmonious, with fewer notes, I audit music very selectively And I choose a rhythm that should allow me to speak to guide me, a way to bring people who feel noticeably different closer.

Another practice that has recently become popular is meditating in between daily activities. cleanliness while washing dishes or greenness There is a tendency to surround yourself with plants to reduce stress. Ultimately they are derived conscious Or mindfulness which invites you to not attach or attach yourself to anything, not even sensations. “Life itself should be a meditation, whatever you do should be done with a sense of presence. “It’s about that, cooking, washing dishes, everything is done consciously,” Vanessa explains.

So when you eat lunch, leave your cell phone by your side and focus on each bite. If you walk, observe the landscape. If you clean the house, be aware of every move, every activity. If you fix your garden, don’t let it take away your concentration. other options.

Finally, Andrea remembered a phrase from Buddha: “If you don’t have time to meditate, you should meditate doubly”, so what are you waiting for to try it?

About Treasury Fair

The second edition of Habitat started which will run till Sunday, February 11. “An event that aims to be a catalyst for personal transformation and an ally for those interested in lived experiences in search of balance.

The fair is made up of three components: interactions with experts, group classes and a trade fair with over 50 participating brands,” he says from this commercial park.

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