Sleep problems? This fruit could be the solution

more than 1.2 million Many people in Spain wake up feeling like they haven’t had a good night’s sleep or that the day is over. very tiredAccording to a recent report by the Spanish Society of Neurology. The Spanish case is not an anomaly, since it is located in the average of the countries around us. Needless to say, this condition can have serious implications. Quality of life Of the affected people.

enjoy a good rest It is essential for both physical and mental health. If you cannot enjoy quality sleep, the body will experience many changes, such as sudden mood changes, anxiety, depression or increased sugar levels and blood pressure. It can also open doors some disorders In the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. That is, if you don’t rest the required number of hours to rest restful sleepThe functions of the body will gradually reduce.

Many people affected by this condition seek Solution In sleep supplements, such as melatonin. However, very few people know that there are some Eat Which contains melatonin. These foods may help improve sleep quality and promote more restful rest. But among them all, there is one that stands above the rest: Cherry.

Effect of cherries on sleep quality

Melatonin, commonly known as “Sleep Hormone”, is a substance that our brain produces naturally, specifically in the pineal gland. Its main function is to control our sleep-wake rhythm. sleep and wake cycle, Thus, this hormone begins to be produced when it gets dark, which prepares the body for sleep by promoting a feeling of sleepiness. drowsiness,

After this the production of melatonin decreases 40 or 45 years, which may make it more difficult for this age group to sleep. That’s why the use of melatonin supplements is often recommended. They are also recommended for people who work rotating shifts to avoid jet lag, prevent migraines, or treat restlessness or nervousness after transoceanic travel. They can all benefit from taking supplements melatoninAs long as it is in a moderate and controlled manner of course.

In addition to supplements, melatonin can also be obtained from: Eat, albeit in small quantities. Oats, corn, nuts, goji berries, mushrooms, tomatoes or grapes are very clear examples of foods that contain melatonin. However, if there’s one food that stands above the rest for its melatonin content, it’s Cherry,

A Study A study published in the Journal of Experimental Botany showed that cherries have significantly higher levels of melatonin. more than any other Eat Additionally, the melatonin in cherries is more efficiently absorbed and used by the body than the synthetic melatonin found in some supplements. Research also showed that older people who drank tart cherry juice experienced improvements in period sleep quality And there were fewer interruptions during the night.

It is important to remember that cherries should be considered a Complement, not substitute Good sleep habits. These should be based primarily on maintaining a routine Adequate sleep, i.e. always sleeping and waking up at the same time. It is also necessary to do regular physical exercise and create an environment conducive to rest with warm light, comfortable shower and moderate dinner. Furthermore, one should avoid blue light display Screens before going to bed.

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