3.8 magnitude earthquake hits parts of Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo

3.8 magnitude earthquake hits parts of Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo

This Saturday, a seismic shock was felt in several places in the Guantanamo and Santiago de Cuba provinces, the eastern region of Cuba. According to the National Center for Seismological Research (CENAIS), the earthquake occurred around 11:46 am local time on March 23. CENAIS reported that the event, which marked the first earthquake recorded in … Read more

Everything will be ready for the return of Cubans stranded in Haiti

Everything will be ready for the return of Cubans stranded in Haiti

The repatriation of Cubans stranded in Haiti is ready, and the return will begin when air operations resume at Toussaint Louverture International Airport. This was confirmed by the Cuban Embassy in Haiti through the social network X. Let’s remember that this air terminal has been the center of conflict between gangs and Haitian police forces. … Read more

USD Classic Card offers new discounts

USD Classic Card offers new discounts

Cuban financial company Cimex SA announced new discounts for its USD Classic card. Know the details. The Classic Card, denominated in US dollars, is a new financial product that can be purchased and used at point-of-sale (POS) terminals throughout the country’s commercial network. Among its benefits, the entity specifies that although its main purpose is … Read more

Inflation in Cuba’s informal market rises by 76%

Inflation in Cuba’s informal market rises by 76%

Inflation in Cuba continues to rise, reaching unprecedented levels. Both state commerce and the informal market record very high figures which directly affect every consumer on the island. If we talk about state trade, duty on imported liquor and tobacco was increased last January. This led to a 10.15% increase in strong cigars, the product … Read more

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

The Network of Exchange Houses in Cuba (CADECA) has published its official exchange rates for March 12, 2024. This information is essential for both travelers visiting Cuba and Cubans who plan to receive foreign currency on the island through ticket reservation platforms. The published exchange rates for today are as follows: At CADECA offices: – … Read more

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

The Network of Exchange Houses in Cuba (CADECA) has published its official exchange rates for March 12, 2024. This information is essential for both travelers visiting Cuba and Cubans who plan to receive foreign currency on the island through ticket reservation platforms. The published exchange rates for today are as follows: At CADECA offices: – … Read more

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

The Network of Exchange Houses in Cuba (CADECA) has published its official exchange rates for March 12, 2024. This information is essential for both travelers visiting Cuba and Cubans who plan to receive foreign currency on the island through ticket reservation platforms. The published exchange rates for today are as follows: At CADECA offices: – … Read more

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

CADECA announces exchange rates for March 12, 2024

The Network of Exchange Houses in Cuba (CADECA) has published its official exchange rates for March 12, 2024. This information is essential for both travelers visiting Cuba and Cubans who plan to receive foreign currency on the island through ticket reservation platforms. The published exchange rates for today are as follows: At CADECA offices: – … Read more

New batch of Spanish passports to Honorary Vice Consulates in Cuba

New batch of Spanish passports to Honorary Vice Consulates in Cuba

The Consulate General of Spain in Havana informed the Honorary Vice Consulates in Santa Clara, Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba about the arrival of a new batch of passports. These documents correspond to requests made between October 27, 2023 and February 21, 2024, both dates inclusive. they communicated this Friday. According to the information provided, … Read more