Google replaces Bard with Gemini and adds new artificial intelligence applications to mobile phones technology

Google replaces Bard with Gemini and adds new artificial intelligence applications to mobile phones  technology

The Bard’s days are numbered. It was hastily introduced only a year ago in response to the emergence of ChatGPT from OpenAI to offer an automated conversational response option. But that was just a model that had just emerged from Google’s labs, where development of the definitive aspiring system continues: Gemini. This Thursday, the multinational … Read more

Learn English for free with Google: learn about these tools offered by the famous search engine

Learn English for free with Google: learn about these tools offered by the famous search engine

Google has become a “classroom” so you can learn English for free. Photo: Pexels/PhotoMIX Company. If speaking English is your strength in this competitive and globalized world, it will be more beneficial to pursue new educational and professional opportunities. to the universe If you feel you need to continue improving, you will learn about the … Read more

How to disable cell phone option to avoid spying?

How to disable cell phone option to avoid spying?

In the digital age, privacy has become a precious commodity and a constant concern cell phone Creates new challenges. Recently, many users have expressed concerns about seeing specific ads on their devices after conversations with family or friends, without searching for those topics first. The reason behind this phenomenon is the permissions given to applications … Read more

Amazon users love Google Pixel with up to $200 off

Amazon users love Google Pixel with up to 0 off

The Apple Watch is probably the most iconic brand, but there are equally incredible alternatives out there. If you’re a fan of Google devices, the Pixel Watch is a high-quality option that has features like heart rate monitoring, similar Fitbit fitness tracking, and many other details. If its price has been prohibitive, this is your … Read more

What happened and which teams was affected by it?

What happened and which teams was affected by it?

Layoffs continue in big technology companies: Google And Amazon He revealed that he fired hundreds of employees from various work teams. Google specifically cut staff in its hardware, voice assistant and engineering teams As part of cost cutting measures. While e-commerce giant Amazon decided to impose this drastic measure on its employees Prime Video Platform … Read more

Google fires about 12 thousand people in a year

Google fires about 12 thousand people in a year

Google Has done retrenchment on a large scale and their number is around 12 thousand. People Those who remain unemployed from the said corporate January From 2023 till today. A year ago, Google and its parent company, Alphabet, reported layoffs to cut costs; And so far, among the hundreds of employees laid off are from … Read more

Jeff Bezos backs rival Google startup

Jeff Bezos backs rival Google startup

New information has emerged that Jeff Bezos has backed a $520 million startup that is working to rival Google’s web search dominance. artificial intelligence (AI) to change the way People look for information Online, According to The Wall Street Journal, the company is nicknamed Perplexity, where its prized product is a platform for “asking anything”, … Read more

17 Best Free Google Courses This 2024

17 Best Free Google Courses This 2024

2024 is upon us and the potential for improvement is one of our goals for this new year. And one of the platforms offering free course And online certificate, it is Google, Cybersecurity, AI, marketing, project management, UX, data analytics, are some of the topics that can be delved into in-depth. The Google Career Certificate … Read more