The global climate and toxic crisis: how to deal with conditions that affect health and well-being – Salud y Binestar

Millions of tons of CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere every year as a result of the combustion of coal, oil and gas. Human activity is generating greenhouse gas emissions at historically record levels, with no signs of slowing down. “For a long time, everyone around the world has been affected by the phenomenon of exposure to environmental toxins,” Dr. Estefania Peltzer, a physician specializing in general and family medicine, told AIM.

As a result, according to a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the planet is at least one degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels, indicating very serious consequences for planet Earth. The planet’s poles and glaciers are melting rapidly, which means rising sea levels. “At the same time, global warming puts the entire world at risk for food and water, limiting the availability and quality of food and water. The professional explained to this agency, no continent is safe from the devastating consequences of climate change, heat waves, droughts and floods, dangerous storms, typhoons and storms etc.

It is estimated that, if emissions are not drastically reduced, the planet’s temperature will rise by 2 degrees by 2060. Therefore, it is important to think about the future generations, children, grandchildren and the world we will leave for them.

There’s still time, but the clock is ticking
It is time to reverse this situation if government and individual measures are taken that include the use of renewable energy, protection of ecosystems and reduction of carbon footprint.

Peltzer points out that “there are simple actions that will make a big difference to prevent this phenomenon, including: growing your own food, recycling and reusing, avoiding overconsumption of clothing and electronic products, reducing the use of plastic.” Avoiding waste and prioritizing packaging. Choosing recyclable items.” Moving to fuel-free means of transportation, reducing meat consumption and using water rationally are some of the ways we can contribute to our sand cleanup. Although it may seem like a drop in the ocean, these small actions are very valuable.”

“For quite some time now, people all over the world have been affected by the phenomenon of exposure to environmental toxins. Fuel, polluting substances and plastics are also dumped into rivers and seas, polluting not only the water we consume every day, but also the food. This also includes the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals and pesticides that end up in food, sometimes without even being recorded,” the doctor warned.

The professional explained that “There are two types of poisoning, it can be acute, responsible for severe symptoms, even fatal and requiring hospitalization. or chronic toxicity, which produces gradual, almost imperceptible damage, usually without causing symptoms, but with devastating consequences for cellular systems and physiology and responsible for serious diseases. The latter is the most frequent and dangerous form of risk to which humans are currently exposed.

The most common health conditions that may be related to these substances are:
1- Endocrine disruption
2- Changes in growth and development
3- Respiratory, skin and digestive allergies (including celiac disease)
4- Reproductive changes
5- Cancer
6- Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
7- Neurological and autoimmune diseases

The most important sources of exposure and risk of toxicity are found in:
1- Radiation and electromagnetic waves: These are capable of passing through tissues and inducing changes at the cellular level, their effect is dose dependent. The main sources of these waves are cell phones, PCs, electronic elements, WiFi, antennas and microwaves. Special attention should be given to children, as they are more likely to be harmed by these. Although there are no long-term studies, they have been found to be associated with an increased risk of various types of cancer.

2- POL (persistent pollutants in the environment): correspond to lipophilic chemical substances, that is, they have the ability to remain in fat cells (adipocytes), adhering to the lipid membrane. Among the most important are industrial chemicals (PVC and HCB, dibenzodioxanes, dibenzofurans), pesticides (such as glyphosate, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, DDT, etc.), PFOS or organochlorines (present in anti-adhesives, fabrics, etc.). , plastic. (such as BPA or Bisphenol A, etc.), the latter is part of bottles, baby bottles, toys, incubators, dental instruments, purchase receipts, among thousands of others. Microplastics are released when exposed to heat, which is why it is extremely important to avoid using them in contact with hot substances. On the other hand, it is possible to find plastics in the form of phthalates and parabens mainly in hygiene, cosmetic and perfume products (shampoos, soaps, creams, sunscreens, lipsticks, makeup, etc.). The textile industry is responsible for the presence of thousands of microplastics in all types of clothing and shoes.

3- Heavy metals: aluminum, lead, mercury, arsenic, etc. They can be found in piercings, tattoos, medical devices, prostheses, amalgams, pipes, etc.

Where are they?
The doctor explained that these substances “are present not only in the soil, but also in drinking water.” The oceans and rivers are filled with microplastics and heavy metals, which pollute and destroy the biodiversity of aquatic and terrestrial species. The real problem is that, despite there being studies that indicate these toxins are “safe,” there are no adequate, long-term studies that evaluate the potential for cumulative damage.

For thousands of years, humans have been exposed to countless toxins and pollutants, but the incidence has increased rapidly in the last century. “Humans have a detoxification system made up of fundamental organs such as the liver, intestines, lungs, kidneys, lymphatic system and skin. These are constantly releasing us from toxins and environmental toxins. However, if exposure is excessive and their detoxification capacity is exceeded or they do not have the raw materials for their proper functioning, they can collapse, increasing the risk of chronic toxicity or disease,” he said.

That is…
Liver: detoxification organ par excellence, it has two stages of detoxification, stage 1 corresponds to cytochrome P450, which increases the solubility of toxins through hydrolysis, oxidation and reduction reactions so that they can move to stage 2 and are eliminated Can. Vitamins (B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, E), zinc, selenium, enzyme Q10, magnesium are essential in this stage. copper. and phase 2 in which these compounds from phase 1 are metabolized by conjugation, acetylation and methylation and then eliminated through bile, feces or urine, foods rich in sulfates are essential in this phase (cabbage, broccoli, Cabbage, onion, kale, garlic, amino acids like glycine, taurine, glutamine, N-acetylcysteine, vitamin B5, B12, C and glutathione.

The expert highlighted that “Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce exposure and exposure to these microwaves and substances. The first tool is to minimize contact with these substances, grow your own food or prefer products of agricultural or organic origin, use natural cosmetics and cleaning products, avoid as much as possible plastic elements, containers ( Prefer glass ones) use is to be avoided. Reduce excessive consumption of clothes, avoid consumption of packaged products, avoid prolonged exposure to electromagnetic waves, avoid use of microwave, keep cell phones away from the body surface, mainly while sleeping. -Turn off Wi-Fi waves. And secondly, it is possible to optimize the function of various organs responsible for detoxification.

· Liver: Detoxification organ par excellence. To promote its proper functioning, it is essential to have a real and balanced diet (with vegetables of all colors), which provides all the vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants necessary for the two phases of detoxification. Some foods and supplements that promote this process are: green tea, turmeric, ginger, milk thistle, dandelion, quercetin (onion), N-acetylcysteine, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins C, E, B complex, Mg, Zn, From.
· Respect fasting, as autophagy is a natural process of the body to get rid of waste and toxins
· Gut: Take care of intestinal health, ensure daily bowel movements, promote the balance of microbiota and protect the intestinal barrier from damage so that it prevents the entry of toxins into the bloodstream.
· Kidneys: Drink plenty of fluids, mainly water
· Lungs: Do HiIT exercises, learn to breathe and breathe in the open air
· Skin: Avoid skin contact (the largest organ of the human body) from exposure to chemical cosmetics, parabens, chlorine. The process of sweating is an effective way of eliminating toxins.
From the AIM editorial team.

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