This is the plant that the Incas used to treat respiratory and skin diseases

The Incas used various plants for healing. (Creation: Infobae Peru / Andina)

In inca cultureIt was believed that Disease They arose due to the infiltration of objects through witchcraft practices. When an epidemic broke out, it was attributed to God’s punishment For the sins of the population. This supernatural worldview meant that all diseases had to be cured. magical or religious methods, Even when herbs or other remedies with actual therapeutic value were used, they were attributed a mystical power.

stars, An ancient plant of the Andes, it is considered a botanical treasure whose medicinal properties and commercial uses have been recognized for centuries. Originally from Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and, especially, Peruvian soil.

This ancient plant is also known as uncle, resembling the pre-Hispanic cultures of the Incas and other native peoples. It was considered a pillar in traditional medicine, used in the treatment of both respiratory diseases as a treatment for skin conditionIts versatility has been praised for decades.

Tara: Plant that the Incas used to treat respiratory diseases, throat, vaginal infections, and toothache, such as in mouthwash.

The roots of the name are found in aymara languagewhere it means “flattened” or “flattened”, referring to the peculiar size of its seeds, In Peru and Bolivia it is mostly known by this name, while in Ecuador it is called guarango, vinillo or campeche. However, different nicknames Various regions are attributed to this plant.

The Andes mountain range serves as the star’s natural home, its three mountain ranges providing the ideal environment for its growth. Although it is also found in other countries of the region, it is in Peru where it flourishes Marketed on a large scale.

Statistical data confirms that our country is the world’s largest producer of this ancient plant, which shows approximately 80% of production. This difference is no coincidence, as the country is home to natural forests and agroforestry plots that support its growth.

Tara: Plant that the Incas used to treat respiratory diseases, throat, vaginal infections, and toothache, such as in mouthwash.

ancestral use of uncle Through time, from time immemorial, have lived Inca and pre-Inca cultures They used this plant as a coloring ingredient, in the leather tanning process, and as an astringent in traditional medicine. These uses have been transmitted from generation to generation, forming a tradition in the Peruvian population.

In the medicinal field, its full healing potential is deployed. Its properties are used in the treatment of throat infections, sinusitis and skin lesions. Tara PodsRich in tannins, it becomes a powerful tool for healing wounds and dealing with pests. From washing swollen eyes to getting relief from toothache.

their Deep Roots They help fix soil on slopes and hills, prevent Ecosystem degradation and protection. Furthermore, their strong spine They act as a natural barrier, providing protection to the surrounding land and other plantations.

Tara: Plant that the Incas used to treat respiratory diseases, throat, vaginal infections, and toothache, such as in mouthwash.

Caring for the parent plant called Tara is a process that involves a series of traditional practices and in the application of ancestral knowledge, as well as modern technologies, Apart from its cultural and historical value, it arouses great interest because of its Multiple uses in agroforestry And this soil Conservation,

According to research conducted in Peru, the star displays remarkable adaptability to a variety of environments. from coast to mountains, especially at altitudes between 1,000 and 2,600 meters above sea level. Its growth was observed up to 3,000 meters above sea level, especially in the inter-Andean valleys.

Traditional medicine has deep roots in Peru, taking advantage of its rich diversity of medicinal plants to treat various ailments, especially fevers.

In the ancient Inca Empire, health was in the hands of a variety of doctors, who not only healed the sick with herbs and natural products, but also performed healing ceremonies. from them ‘ichuris’, doctor-practitioners who shared their skills with the population. For general residents, ‘Comascus’ were in charge of ensuring their well-being, while the Inca relied on the services of the elite ‘Amoukas’.

He VatukHe evaluated diseases and lifestyle with his diagnostic skills. He hanpecA type of magician, used to perform his healing arts at religious ceremonies. He Paco He was in charge of healing the soul, believing that this vital element was located in the heart. He Sankoyok, a surgeon priest, intervened in cases of broken limbs, boils and dental problems. He Hampi CamayokAlchemists of the Inca state, protected natural healing resources, while collahuaya It provided medicinal plants and amulets to strengthen health.

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