“A protocol should be developed to strengthen CAPS and internal medicine”

On his first visit to the ‘Doctor Ramon Carrillo’ Central Hospital, Governor Claudio Poggi toured different areas of the largest provincial public medical center, learned about its operations and spoke to staff.

As he got out of the car that left him at the door of the ‘Doctor Ramon Carrillo’ Central Hospital, Governor Claudio Poggi greeted neighbors who were entering or leaving the province’s public medical center. Some even asked to take photos. That image and the attitude of people to raise any individual situation or request was a scene that was repeated in many of the areas the President visited in his first visit to the hospital. “We must develop a care competency protocol, create programs to strengthen primary health care centers (CAPS) and internal medicine, and have management controls,” Poggi said of the need for efficient coordination between centers. The degree of complexity of the patient’s condition according to health and hospitals.

The governor’s statement was based on reading statistical data that he saw on a screen in the command center, an area that summarizes the registration and analysis of vital information: that refers to operations (for example, how many patients ) wait, minute by minute); Epidemiological surveillance and internal communication. A staff member reported that on Thursday the 11th, 104 out of a total of 464 patients on shift had not shown up, which normally slows down the care system. And Adolfo Sanchez León, president of the hospital board, said they have a scale to evaluate how many of the patients who went could have been treated at CAPS or a day hospital because their health problems were not severe or complex. … He said it is common for people to go straight to ‘Carrillo’ without going through the health center closest to their neighborhood, which should be the first place they go.

“The first thing the governor asked us to do is to change the organizational environment, always adopt good behaviour. People’s fear should end, politics should no longer affect health. That change is already noticeable. The atmosphere there is different. The worker agrees with this. And then we continued moving forward accordingly. Freedom from the system of shifts and processes. This is a hospital built with billing in mind. It was designed so that the patient, before being admitted, met all the requirements to be able to receive a bill. Even for patients who do not have social security benefits and who are dependent on the ministry, this hospital bills the ministry, which seems meaningless to us, because the budget is one. Our view is that first the patients and then the billing, obviously, because the income must continue to be respected,” said Sanchez de Leon.

Poggi was accompanied on the tour by host and Health Minister Claudia Spagnuolo. The officials came from a breakfast working with health workers in the White Room for another activity, improving the civilian care system, and told Poggi that they had reached good conclusions and that they were going to start working on them. . Members of the hospital’s board of directors – Director Sandra Ottaviani, Director George Aostri, Medical Directors Raul Correa and Andrea Lang – and health officials also participated in the tour.

After passing through the hospital reception and speaking briefly with some patients waiting for treatment, Poggi toured the diagnostic imaging, resonance and tomography control room areas. There he spent a few minutes talking to professionals who explained how these studies are carried out and what type of equipment they use.

He then went to the emergency department and entered the shock room (on-call therapy). Laura Lucero, a doctor, told them what kind of care is provided there, what types of patients they get and how long they stay there.

After passing through the emergency rooms and the guard’s operating room, they entered the internal pharmacy, which was described by one employee as ‘the heart of the hospital’, as it was from there that the necessary medicines were administered and distributed to all.

There Poggi spent several minutes learning about the technology they used, which included four cardex, known as ‘closets’ for drug storage, each with its own special characteristics. He also saw the room where cytostatic preparations are made.

Then he went up to the inpatient (medium care) floor. Later, on the way to the command center, he spoke for a few minutes with Santiago Sen, who told him about the care that the provincial public health team provides to older adults. He told the governor, “We must bring back retirees from the south of the province, who will be cared for in La Pampa in Mendoza.” At the door, as he was leaving, some retirees, PAMI beneficiaries, came up to Poggi. The hospital director told them that he hoped the Prosthesis Bank would soon be activated, an initiative he hoped would meet one of the greatest needs of the elderly. “This is a serious problem for us, with patients having to be hospitalized for three months or more because they cannot get their prostheses. The Prosthesis Bank will provide us with great speed for patients with traumatological, cardiological or neurological problems who require different types of prostheses or supplies. Your stay will be very short,” he promised.

Sánchez de León confirmed that, since taking office last December, he has made some changes to improve public health. “There are some new managers coming in and we have made a lot of changes in recruitment. We will soon sign an agreement with DOSEP, to simplify the procedures for those who are already supported in this social work. And we’re working to streamline the shift system, so there are fewer processes. This takes some time, as there are agreements with social functions. The focus of everyone who comes here from Puntano is a priority,” he said.


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