Best Before Date Is What It Really Means to Not Consume the Product Before – Teach Me About the Science

Source: CIAD

Sometimes you look carefully at those little numbers printed on the cartons and wonder if it is right. Expiry date or is it really just the preferred consumption date, of course it can happen create confusion Immediately. What does the date that appears on the product you just purchased really mean? Is it safe to consume after that date? Let’s discuss this topic and understand the truth behind those labels.

First, it is important to understand the difference between these two types of dates that we commonly find on food packaging: Expiry date and preferred consumption date. end date It indicates when a food may become unsafe to eat, while the Best Before date suggests when the manufacturer believes it to be product In terms of quality it’s not the best anymore, but still safe for consumption,

In many places, expiration dates are mostly voluntary, except for foods intended for infants, where they are mandatory. This means that they are not supported strict food safety rulesBut an extra precaution is taken by the manufacturers to ensure that quality of Products that should not be, It is important to understand that the best before date is not always related to food safety, but quality felt it of the product. at least, In Mexico, PROFECO directs this.

So what does this mean for us consumers?

This means there is no need to panic whenever a product is past its best by date. sometimes peopleThey usually reject packaging that has expired that day, throw away and waste its contents, Without knowing that it is not harmful to health. Many foods can last longer than their printed date, especially foods such as Vinegar, Honey, Salt, Sugar And other basic products. Even perishable foods like bread or beans they can do Duration Ahead What we suppose, as long as they are stored properly, and it won’t mean that the food has already gone bad. why do you think so Are there outlets?

Source: CUUPEE

Trust your senses to determine if a food is safe to consume past its best-by date. if any food Looks normal, smells good and tastes good too, it’s probably fine to eat even if its printed date has passed, However, it is important to note that there are exceptions, especially when it comes to perishable foods such as meat, fish or dairy products.

Regarding the expiry date it is important to know on what basis the same company has labeled this date Physicochemical analysis of the productThat is, here a date is already established in which the food will definitely lose its terms. suggested hygiene and soshould not be consumed, Therefore, after this date, food will definitely not be available in pleasant and possibly healthy tasting conditions.

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