Beyond emotional pay and purpose, 360º Wellbeing is the revolution of an authentic employer brand

In a dynamic business landscape, in which adjustments in labor costs result from increases in minimum wages and increases in tax and legal obligations, companies face significant financial challenges. In this context, where not all organizations can address generalized salary increases, the role of emotional pay comes to the fore as a strategic tool to increase loyalty and attract talent.

The economic challenge implies the need to find alternatives. Following improved pay conditions, emotional pay stands as a valuable, universal and less discriminatory option to meet the needs of people who want deep identity, a sense of belonging and tools that support life balance between work and personal. Provide facilities. Emotional pay addresses key aspects that directly impact the quality of life of employees. It offers flexible hours, a good professional development plan, wellness programs, tools that facilitate your daily life and wellness programs in all their dimensions.

It is true that flexible hours are considered an important benefit, but the new four-day working day formula or a reduction in working hours in general will have a wider impact over time and help reconciliation. This will force companies to look for new creative and different options to attract, nurture and retain their talent.

Market changes require exploring broader options with a 360º wellness approach. This is necessary not only to improve the emotional well-being of employees but also to strengthen the corporate image and social responsibility of organizations. In this sense, more and more organizations provide comprehensive support that includes their commitment to reconciliation and co-responsibility as well as care for the employee’s loved ones (their families, including pets).

The innovative benefits that should be considered in these new plans should aim to prevent psychosocial risks and improve the quality of life of the workforce and their families. At Vivofacil we are a first-hand witness to how psychological care and home support services for employees and family members have become essential for companies choosing our services.

Emotional pay isn’t just about time off, health insurance or gym passes. The key to creating a successful comprehensive care strategy lies in unconventional benefits that address all of the following areas: physical health (nutritionists, physiotherapy, consultations with doctors…), mental health (emotional well-being workshops, online and in person ) psychology), financial health (legal advice, help with finances, administrative procedures…), work flexibility (life balance plans, teleworking, flexible hours…) and an organizational culture based on diversity and inclusion (training, prevention Promote management and attention of all groups of the company).

In short, employees’ demands for their companies are clear: they crave more authenticity, transparency, common sense, and sustainability. These elements not only represent your current expectations, but also the essential foundation for building the employer brand of 2024 and the years to come. Incorporating these qualities not only meets the current need, but also establishes the foundation for creating an equitable, ethical, sustainable and inclusive organizational culture in which its employees feel identified with its values ​​and objectives.

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