Learn about the new Cuban customs rules for importing certain goods. Find out how many pairs of shoes are allowed and other important rules.
From August 15, 2022, Resolution 175 of 2022 of the Chief of General Customs of the Republic, “Rules and list of reference prices for non-commercial imports made by natural persons,” began to apply in Cuba.
In the provision, it is specified that Cuban Customs accepts non-commercial imports made by natural persons, which they carry for their personal, family or household use through goods, shipments, household goods or other authorized cargo. Do it sometimes.
In this sense, it establishes some general rules for the importation of natural persons into Cuba:
- Products must correspond to non-commercial imports, they must be transparently declared and the quantities imported must vary;
- Imported goods should not exceed the prescribed limits, as applicable; And
- The nature and function of an article or the repetition of the importation does not evidence the nature or commercial purpose of its importation.
Import of miscellaneous goods: shoes
The resolution establishes that, for articles considered to be miscellaneous, it is determined whether they have a commercial nature by the lack of “variety or repetition” of the same type of article. In this case, Customs accepts the import of surplus miscellaneous products up to the weight allowed in the regulations, treating them as personal effects, and confiscates the rest of the goods identified with that classification.
Appendix 2 “List of reference values for non-commercial imports made by natural persons by any means”, Chapter 1 “Miscellaneous” contains a specific rule clarifying which products are treated as such.
The following items are classified as miscellaneous: shoes, clothing, food, personal care and household items, jewelry, perfumes and similar items.,
However some information pages say that only 30 pairs of shoes can be brought into Cuba after clearing customs exposed in ruleshe replied cuba directory,
“In this regard, we inform you that, for import of products classified as miscellaneous, the type of goods or products to be imported must be miscellaneous. Customs accepts goods or products as non-commercial imports as long as they comply with the rules established in customs regulations and their variety does not indicate that it is an import for commercial purposes.
In other words, import of large quantities of the same type of product within the same category is not allowed. For example, 50 pairs of identical shoes cannot be imported, but there must be variety in models and designs so that they are not considered commercial items.
How are various items paid for in Cuba?
Remember that you can enter Cuba without paying up to 25 kg of personal luggage and another 5 kg of miscellaneous items. In addition, everything that is included in the category of medicines, food and personal and household hygiene. But, remember to separate these last items from the rest of the clothes and shoes that don’t fit in your personal luggage.
For the rest of the miscellaneous items, a price of $10 is applied for each additional kilogram up to the established limit. It is important to remember that payment is made in Cuban Pesos using the official exchange rate in effect at the time of import.
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