Their characteristics and their migration from Brazil

lucas moura He has visited Spain only twice. The first, in 2022, was for tourism but his second visit had a different purpose: to present himself mir 2024 exam, This doctor, originally from Brazil, has managed to become what can be considered Non-EU number 1 of MIR 2024to reach test position 102, After an intensive MIR preparation process from Latin America and a symmetry that was a long time comingLucas can finally fulfill his dream of practicing as a resident specialist in Spain.

Lucas is from Salvador de Bahia, a city located in the north-east of Brazil and where First medical school established in the country, at the Federal University of Bahia. “I decided to leave Brazil even before I finished my degree. There, after four years of theoretical preparation, we have a two-year internship. I finished my first year and During the second, practices were suspended due to the pandemic., I was so overwhelmed and dissatisfied with the political, economic and social direction Brazil was taking at that time, I did not believe that more than 50 percent of the population had a project for this country. Initially I thought about going to Chile but the conditions of the inhabitants there were not very good and I saw that in Spain I could learn the nearby language, I Good working conditions and better quality of life“He explains medical writing,

Since homologation takes two years, this slow process prevented him from presenting himself to MIR after completing his degree, despite having a clear idea. Thus, He did a one-year residency in family and community medicine in Salvador, in a poor area of ​​the favela, and after that experience he decided to stop working for a year to be able to dedicate himself exclusively to preparing MIR. Now that they have achieved this good result and are among the 10 best non-EU MIRs this year, they revealed that their first option is to Ophthalmology Residency at Ramon Y Cajal Hospital from Madrid, although he admits that during preparation he had some doubts about doing oncology or immunology.

Being a doctor in Brazil is “against” human medicine

Lucas believes that Spain has “many advantages” with regard to medical practice. “There are almost no employment contracts for natural persons in Brazil. Most hospitals employ specialists as if they were legal entities, in which they treat you as a company that is going to provide service to the clinic, so you lose all your work and labor law rights. It has been incorporated into holistic medicine in Brazil and has given rise to a Great workforce uncertainty“, Identify.

“In Brazil there is great uncertainty of the workforce and in Spain I have more opportunities to dedicate myself to research in the future”

Furthermore, working conditions in some hospitals in the region are “really worrying” and as an example he points to situations in which he had to treat children with asthma with oral or systemic medication “because there There was no aerosol”, which was inconsistent. The practice of a human medicine: “If you don’t have the basic conditions to treat your patients, you are taking risks as a professional., “Spain has a better structure that allows health workers to use their skills in a more developed way.”

Being able to travel, having a better quality of life and salary, having a “good environment” or opportunities with coworkers. Dedicate yourself to research and get a doctorateOne of his “great passions”, fueled his desire to become a medical specialist in Spain. “Nowadays my view of Brazil is more optimistic, some things have changed and I hope that maybe one day I will be able to return, but it is not a project that I have in mind right now. Also, Homologizing residency is a major hurdle in Brazil” he comments.

Challenge of preparing MIR from Brazil

For this Brazilian doctor, the MIR process “has not been difficult at all”, as there is no difference between Spaniards and non-EU citizens when taking the test and he is always clear about the steps to follow for registration. Were. However, the thing that has cost him the most Wait for approval of your title as a doctor, a lengthy process In which he did not know where he was in the process: “It was a very dark process, without clear feedback,” he argues.

In his case, he decided not to combine work with studies: “If I had come to Spain to prepare for the exams, I would have had to do it, because my family would not have been able to pay for the preparation and life in another country. Moreover, it drains your energy to read, ask questions, participate in class time… It is very difficult to get a good position by working and studying at the same time. And because I knew I wanted a specialization that was difficult to obtain, I chose to prepare online in Brazil instead of working.”

Its preparation was done from Brazil with CTO And he assures that he had the whole day to study, he followed his calendar that the Academy set for him so that he studied in the morning, took breaks to play games and eat and study in the afternoon, Especially through flashcards, summaries and plans. “MIR day itself was a huge relief, I had been preparing for a year and I couldn’t spend much time studying at home, it was one of the best days of my life. I admit that it Was tough but I was tough well prepared, I left with the feeling that I had accomplished another exercise” he concluded.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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