Who doesn’t suffer from stress or anxiety? Wellness and health coach, Mauricio Cuevas, will help you distinguish between the two states

The terms “stress” and “anxiety”, often used interchangeably in everyday conversation, describe different realities, even though they result from a similar physiological response to dangerous situations. In this sense, Mauricio Cuevas Ampudia declared that both phenomena constitute intrinsic components of the instinctive fight or flight response, inherent in the human being when faced with stimuli considered dangerous.

Stress manifests as the body’s immediate response to threat, which involves the release of hormones that prepare the individual to face the situation. This condition results in increased heart rate and blood flow to the limbs and extremities, enabling it to act in a defensive or evasive manner. Instructors specializing in the subject say that its appearance is usually brief and related to a specific stimulus.

In contrast, anxiety persists beyond the initial stress response phase. It is not necessarily associated with any identifiable trigger and may persist long after the stressful stimulus has ended. This condition, unlike stress, is not limited to a momentary reaction, but can manifest chronically.

Mauricio Cuevas explains that although stress and anxiety are normal and adaptive responses, for some individuals they can be uncomfortable and interfere with their daily functioning. Therefore, it is essential to learn to manage stress appropriately to prevent it from becoming a hindrance to well-being and productivity.

Discover techniques to manage anxiety and stress with coach Mauricio Cuevas

Stress is a common experience in many people’s lives and can have a significant impact on emotional and physical health. Fortunately, there are many strategies that can help relieve stress and promote greater balance in daily life, says Mauricio Cuevas Ampudia, a coach specializing in wellness and health.

One of the most effective ways to deal with stress is to be physically active. Regular physical activity can increase the production of endorphins, neurotransmitters that promote a feeling of well-being, and help calm the mind by focusing on body movements.

Additionally, eating a healthy diet and avoiding unhealthy habits like excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption can contribute to stress management, says Mauricio Cuevas. Meditation can also be a powerful tool to help reduce stress, calm the mind, and find a sense of inner peace.

Humor can also play an important role in stress management. Mauricio Cuevas believes that laughing more can relieve mental stress and cause positive physical changes in the body. Similarly, connecting with others and setting healthy boundaries can help reduce stress and promote better emotional well-being.

Practicing yoga, prioritizing sleep, keeping a personal journal, and engaging in creative activities can also be effective ways to relieve stress and promote better balance in everyday life. In cases where stress becomes excessive, it may be beneficial to seek professional counseling to effectively identify and address the sources of stress.

In short, by adopting a combination of healthy and effective strategies, it is possible to effectively manage stress and promote greater emotional and physical well-being in daily life, Mauricio Cuevas concludes.

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